- t'was not me -

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"Jungkook-ah" she called me cutting me off from my thoughts


"What is it you wanna talk about?" She proposed "is it- umm" She was hesitant "is it about our kids??" I looked down at her and chuckled softly and she was blushing again.

"You wanna have kids? " I asked and she nodded shyly.. And I didn't know how and why but my heart felt a sharp pain. I wanted to tear up at that moment because that was never happening and I felt I was betraying her, an innocent girl, who just loved me purely but I was in no state to love her but to leave her..

"You don't want to?" She asked me pouting and I just smiled pushing my tears back and emotions away and replied merely "of course I would love to, but tonight it's about something else "

"What is it then? "

"right, about that.. You sure you wanna hear now" and she hummed and nodded still laying on the bed I spoke,

"Do you remember the story I told you about your mother being attacked" she nodded

"And that a smaller pup saved her" she agreed

"do you know who that pup was?" I asked and she at once looked up at me with the brightest smile I had ever seen and replied

"It's you.. Isn't it?"

I just looked down at her with a faint smile feeling very sorry and upset for what I was about to say.

"It was not me"

"then who?" Her smile gradually fading asked

"It was Suga hyung" I confirmed now her face turned into a perplexed one.

"Do you recall the time your father told you to run for he was told the Alpha was after you?" she nodded slowly

"The one who inform him prior to save you. You know who it was?" She was reluctant this time and shook her head a


"It was Suga hyung" she slowly removed her palm from my chest it was clear she was filled with confusions.

"And all those years from the night you were introduced to the world, he kept you safe and always had his eyes on you" I paused biting down on my lower lip

"I didn't even know it was your birthday the day you were brought here but he knew. I feel bad to be the one loved when he should be the one for I did no good to you." I continued staring at the ceiling and looked down at her.

-Sophie's' s POV-

"Wh- why are you saying all these now?" I questioned

"I thought it was the best for you to know at the earliest" he replied with the voice of whisper and continued

"because Sophie it's time I tell you the truth tha-----------"

His voice slowly faded as I was stuck deep in my thoughts

"why is he saying all these tonight? What's going to happen tonight? Shadow, is Shadow okay? Or is jungkook going to follow his lover?"

I felt weak and my eyes became heavy I could not hold it up any longer still my head rested on his arms; I could once again smell an aroma

"this smell... I remember this smell..."
I thought

"I - I am going to pass out.. No.. Something's happening No No---" I could no longer help myself but to trip off heavily

His Shadow Her Moon. | A MinYoongi FanFiction | Completed | Where stories live. Discover now