- the covenant -

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-3rd Person's POV-

A very long long time ago, perhaps not too long ago. For it only happened just Before the birth of Sophie a remarkable event took place in the emerald forest, where wolves like men and women dwelt. With the attack of Sophie's mother by the alpha's wife, whom he dearly loved, because of her greed and disloyalty towards their law, was killed by the hands of the Alpha himself. Which led to the introduction of a new law which was to execute all female wolves and not even one should be remained. The husbands who refused to let their wives die were sent to exile where no food and water availed and some along with the whole family were killed mercilessly.
Even Suga's mother and the rest of the pack's mothers were also killed.
And interestingly Suga's mother was the younger sister of The Alpha. With the death of The alpha's Wife he, the Alpha, became from bad to worst.

During that period, the alpha's Son was already in love with a young lady. Unexpectedly Mr. Jeon(the alpha) permitted his son to marry. The couple was more than happy for they were blessed by the father. But little did they know the true intentions of Mr. Jeon. The day before the wedding the young lady on a full Red moon night was strangled to death, who was a pure human blood who willed to marry Jungkook despite who he is.
Mr.Jeon's plan all along was to lure the young lady so she could be killed so that no rumours of them would be spread, and the alpha made it sure it looked like a suicide to the human eyes. Jungkook's hatred developed from that very day even more after having all the woman he loved, his own mother and his own lover, killed by his own father. That's when he made a covenant that he will never love any woman for he knew it would just go in vain and also because of his love for his woman.

His Shadow Her Moon. | A MinYoongi FanFiction | Completed | Where stories live. Discover now