- the bruncheon -

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                      -3rd Person's POV-

Sophie knew just too well who killed his father. She was always warned by his dad about a particular man who had dark juniper eyes, towering, with a unique odour and always with a black long-coat, not to interact with him.

She was taught to grow without trusting anyone and independently for her father had already seen his death. The day she ran, Sophie's father was already informed about the arrival of the Alpha in search of her. And that's how he could sent Sophie away to a safer place and got killed instead because he refused to reveal about his daughter.

                       ❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

                                  -Sophie's POV-

"He has his eyes"


"I assume the one who informed my dad is also him" I again lied on the bed, leaving my feet dangling above the black cemented floor.

"What a nice young fellow" I breathed out and realized I did not even ask his name.

'knock knock'

I got up hastily and announced to come in. There revealed a guy I was familiar with

"shadow? "

"It's Suga" he corrected.

"Okay whatever it is, why did you not tell me anything beforehand? " I protested

"About? " he plainly asked me instead
placing a heap full of meat and another bowl on a table in the room.

"Do You even have to ask that when I'm very clear? " I was vexed by his attitude.

"Well, I just did what I was told to do. Now continue your breakfast here and no more questions" he ordered not even looking at me

"Are you his servant or something?" I snapped

"That's a terrible remark" he stated in a stern tone glaring at me. Well not gonna lie he looked scary

"I -I mean you always do what you are told to do"

"I am your 'to be' husband's friend and even him and I are the slaves of the Alpha" he snarled, tilted his head and with a mocking tone he continued

"well I see you are no better than us" having that said with a disgusting smirk he left leaving me all speechless.

I coughed in a nervous manner and shifted my attention to the meal

"I doubt what meat is that" I mumbled

"don't worry it's not human's we don't do that here"

I looked up to the voice and he was still there with the mocking face. He slammed shut the door and left me for real.

His Shadow Her Moon. | A MinYoongi FanFiction | Completed | Where stories live. Discover now