Episode 12

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'You ready?' Marc held out his hand for Oscar.

Oscar had assumed that now he'd finished his shift, he'd be fully dressed. He was still in the skimpy thong he'd worn to dance in.

'Do you need to go home first?' Oscar asked.

'No, why?'

'To get changed?'

'No, I'm going like this.'


As much as Oscar liked seeing Marc dressed like that, he was having trouble not staring at his body.

They linked hands and walked the short distance to the club. There was a long queue outside, which Oscar went to join, but Marc pulled him forward to the front.

'What are you doing?' said Oscar. 'The queue starts there.'

'I'm not joining that,' said Marc. 'I know the guy on the door.'

'How well do you know him?'


Oscar assumed that meant he'd slept with him, which was of course true.

They walked past everyone else until they got to a skinhead guy with huge muscles that he showed off through his tight white T-shirt.

'Marky,' said the bouncer, kissing him on the cheek.

'Hey baby,' said Marc. 'Are we okay to go straight in tonight?'

'Sure thing. Who's your friend?'

'This is Austin.'

'It's Oscar,' Oscar corrected him.

'Oh sorry, Oscar.'

The bouncer laughed. 'Long term relationship, is it?'

'You know me darling.'

'Okay, go on in.'

He stood back to let them passed. Oscar felt guilty about skipping the queue, but it was good to be inside. The music was loud and the club already busy. It had been a year since he'd been to a gay club, or any club for that matter. He'd dreamt about this moment since last time. Whenever he thought about it, he was always hand in hand with a hot young guy, and here he was. The weekend was shaping up to be everything he'd hoped it to be.

They walked up the stairs into the main room. As soon as they went in, the music got even louder. Oscar smiled a big beaming smile. Not just because he was in a club, but because this was where he'd met Tom the year before. It brought back so many memories.

Marc dragged Oscar by his hand to the bar, where yet again he was served straight away. 'Hey baby,' said the barman, 'looking fierce tonight.' They leaned across the bar and kissed each other on the cheek.

'Thanks. Vodka and coke please, and...' He looked at Oscar.

'Yeah same,' said Oscar.

'Okay, two vodka and cokes coming up.'

The barman gave Marc a smile and a wink. Oscar got the impression that he'd just met the second person within five minutes that Marc had slept with. He wondered how many more there would be tonight.

They took the drinks and went to sit in the corner. They were making out minutes later.


Jack and his crew stopped in Tramps until closing time.

'What you guys want to do?' asked Ali. 'Club?'

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