Episode 29

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Sam and Milo hadn't agreed to meet up that day. Milo had planned to spend the full day with Max. Pride weekend had been so crazy. They'd both done what they'd talked about for months and made their open relationship a reality. But the result of that had meant they'd spent little time together. It had been both of their first Prides, so wanted to do it together. It had never been planned to happen this weekend, but it felt like a relief to both of them to have ripped that plaster off. Now all they had to do was figure out how they felt about it and if they wanted it to continue.

Both of them had enjoyed the time they'd spent with other people, a little too much if anything. But they were still both invested in their relationship with each other.

After breakfast they decided to go into Soho for a few drinks. They liked it there as they felt safe. They were able to hold hands and kiss in public without fear. They did that pretty much everywhere anyway, as they didn't believe there should be double standards between straight and gay couples. If a straight couple could do that in public, then why shouldn't they? But Soho was their safe space, where there should never be any trouble.

As they turned the corner they saw a familiar face; familiar to Milo anyway.

'Sam, hi,' he said.

'Hi Milo,' Sam replied. Sam had been thinking about him all morning, so it seemed strange that they were now standing face to face. He noticed straight away that Milo was holding hands with his boyfriend, meaning that they were still very much together.

'You guys out enjoying the last day of Pride?' Sam asked.

'Yeah,' said Milo. He was still so surprised to see Sam. It was like his two worlds had just collided. He turned to Max. 'Max, this is Sam,' he said. 'Sam, this is my boyfriend Max.'

The two of them awkwardly shook hands.

'So we should go,' said Milo, feeling incredibly uncomfortable with the whole situation that had presented itself.

'Sure,' said Sam.

'I'll text you later?'





Jack opened the taxi door for Oscar to get in. Both of them were trying to hold back the tears. Jack knew if he started to cry  then Oscar would cry too. Saying goodbye was hard enough without that.

He was surprised at just how much it hurt. They'd only known each other again for a few days, yet he felt more for Oscar than he ever had done anyone else. Even than with Ocean. With Ocean it was unrequited love. He knew it could never happen. It was so much harder ending things with Oscar because he knew that he returned his feelings. It was only geography keeping them apart, otherwise it would have been the start of something incredible.

'Are you sure you don't fancy a career in farming?' said Oscar.

'It seems tempting right now,' said Jack. 'At least that way I wouldn't have to say goodbye to you.'

'We'll see each other again.'

'You going to Skype me tomorrow?'

'I will.'

'And text me when you get back. I want to know you're home safe.'

'I will.'

They kissed one last time, before Oscar got in the backseat and Jack closed the door. He waved as the car pulled away and disappeared around the corner.

Only once the taxi was gone from sight did Jack let his emotions out. Everything he'd held back suddenly came out and he erupted into tears. He didn't care about anyone around him looking at his public display of emotion. All he cared about was Oscar and the fact that he'd just left his life again.

He knew that the Pride festival was still going on, but he couldn't face it at the moment. He didn't even feel like he wanted to talk to Ali about it. He just wanted to lock himself away in his room and hide from the world. He hadn't prepared himself for feeling like this. Until a few days ago Oscar was a guy from his past. Now he cared about him so deeply and it hurt knowing he wouldn't see him for at least a year, if ever again.

He took a slow walk home. Half an hour later he was putting his key in the door to get back into his apartment. As he walked into the front door, he saw his father standing there. They looked at each other for a moment. They hadn't seen each other in over a month.

Jack had imagined what this moment would be like, especially since his father had won the competition. But all that excitement had left him. All he could think about was Oscar and his they may never see each other again.

Miss Vivienne could see straight away there was something wrong.

'Jack, what's wrong?' he said. He walked over to him, put his hand on either shoulder and looked him in the face.

'Dad,' he said, 'I think I might have just met and lost the perfect man.'

He burst into tears. Miss Vivienne wrapped his arms around his son.

'There there son, it's going to be okay.'


Milo and Max sat across from each other at a table in The Admiral. There was a silence between them as they sipped on their vodka and cokes, which was strange as they never ran out of things to say to each other. There was an elephant in the room that neither of them wanted to address; Sam. It had been the first time that Max had met him properly. He'd seen him behind the bar when he still works at Tramps, so he knew who he was. They'd never actually met face to face or been introduced.

He didn't seem like a bad guy, but it was clear that Milo didnt think so either. There was a tension between them all, which Milo knew was there because of their situation. But it probably wouldn't have been as awkward if they'd bumped into Luke together. That was because Luke was new on the scene. Sure, they'd slept together, but there wasn't the same history there was between Milo and Sam.

Max took a long sip of his drink, then looked at his boyfriend.

'You still love him, don't you?' he said.

'What?!' said Milo, completely thrown off guard by the question.

'Sam,' he said. 'You still love him don't you?'

'I love you.'

'But do you love him too?'

Milo thought about denying it, but the two of them had always had a hundred per cent honesty agreement in their relationship. The truth was that he didnt know. Sam had been out of his life so so long that he'd tried not to think about him. Until this weekend, he hadn't considered them getting back together as an option. But he had enjoyed his time with Sam over the weekend and it had made him realise how much he'd missed him.

He shrugged.

'Then I think you should go and find out,' said Milo.

'You mean...?'

'If you want to be with me, then you'll come back. But I don't want us being together and your mind being on him.'

'So this open relationship thing we've been doing, you dont think it will work?'

'Its easy to sleep with two people, but not love two people.'

'But what if I do?'

'That's what we've got to find out.'

It suddenly hit Milo what Max was trying to  say.

'Are you...breaking up with me?'

'For now, but it's not because I don't love you, it's because I do. I just want you to be happy, regardless of who that's with.'

Milo didn't know what to say.

'I'll always be your friend though,' said Max, 'no matter what. It might take some time, but I'm here for you.'

He kissed Milo on the lips, then walked out the bar, leaving Milo alone.

Author's Note

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. If you did, please consider giving me a like or a comment.

Hope you're all keeping safe x

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