15. homework

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Still a little drowsy I thankfully take my coffee from Emily. I know there are many people out there, that jump out of bed early in the morning happy and wide awake. Well I definitely don't belong to one of those people. I'm more like WTF it's way too early, let me sleep.

As I never sleep good at night, it just kind of makes it worse in the morning. Without my coffee I'd probably die or be grumpy the rest of the day. Emily wants to know everything about my first day at work and I tell her everything, of course also mentioning Jake, while munching down my frosties.

"He left with two?"

"Yep, such an idiot. And I really don't understand those girls."

"Maybe they know of his qualities, I mean after what you told me."

"Oh fuck, shut up. I wish that night never happened."

Well at least not with Jake, the night was great.


Entering the class, fucking Jake is already seated at his place looking quite dishevelled. I decide to have some fun and let my bag drop loud on the floor, while slamming my stuff down on the table.

"What the fuck?", he growls.

"Oh, sorry didn't you get enough beauty sleep? Did the two blondes keep you up all night? I bet you are tired, too bad you are stuck with me today to keep you wiiiiide awake."

"Wow, so now you are talking to me?"

"No not really, just making sure to be such a pain in your ass, as you are in mine."

"Fuck Sam, you know how much I had to drink last night. My head is killing me, so could you please not fuck me up?"

"Don't worry you are not exactly my priority subject for today. Bad enough I have to spend time with you later on."

Of course, I know how much he had to drink, one of the reasons I was so loud to start off with. Knowing his head is killing him, makes me feel a bit better.

With this Jake lifts his hoodie, shielding him off again. We spend the rest of our classes in total silence next to each other. I think at some point he might have even fallen asleep during class, as I hear a slight snoring coming from his direction. 

It's so damn tempting to slam something down, just for the fact to wake him and cause him more headache then again, I decide against it just in case he decides to pester me again.

Jake grabs hold of my wrist as I get up after the last class.

"We are set up for homework", he says with a stern look on his face.

"Yep sadly haven't forgotten. Meet up in a cafe?"

"No, it's too fucking loud. We should go to one of our places."

"No way, bad enough I need to put up with you. But the hell am I going anywhere alone with you."

He sighs and looks down. "Sam I can't work this out in a fucking cafe. The library?"

Huffing I let out a "Fine."

We walk in total silence together to the library. It's nearly empty, great so much for being alone with him. At least there are a few people here. We take a seat away from the others so we will be able to talk if necessary, which I hope to keep down to a bare minimum. Guess with that at least I'm lucky at a library.

This is exactly what you imagine old libraries to look like. Dark wooden benches and tables, dim lights old cream coloured tiled floors and dark heavy book shelves all around.

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