Meeting HIM

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(Nobody's P.O.V)
"DREW GIVE IT BACK!!" Violet yelled as Scarlett walked into the W.W.H.Q (Wispon Warriors Head Quarters).Drew was examining a shiny purple gem,with one hand on Violet's head,whom was trying to claw at him.Drew let go of Violet and tossed her the gem back "Congrats,You found an Amethyst" Drew said before tossing Violet back her jewel.Violet immediately went to her room and shut the door.It was still kinda early so nobody else was up yet. "So where have you been Scar?"Drew asked raising an eyebrow. "I just went on a morning run to the edge of the woods and back." Scarlett said while looking in cabinets.There was nothing but half a box of crackers,some pasta noodles and bottles of water.Scarlett groaned and grabbed her wispon. "I'm going to get whatever food I can,want anything bud?" Scarlett said turning to him. "I'll take some sandwich stuff and some chips" said Drew.Scarlett nodded and clicked her tongue before zooming out the door.

(Later in the City)

(Scarlett's P.O.V)
I was running around the city,scorching bots left and right with my wispon and grabbing any food available.Feeding 7 members isn't exactly easy,especially with us all having different tastes in food.I like Spicy,Bolts likes Sour,Dyna likes Salty,Drew likes Bitter,Violet likes Sweet,Jay likes Dry and Ryder like anything,Thank God.I wire attacked another bot and landed with a flip,I then heard a deep chuckle. "My My...You are a skilled one,maybe you'll actually be a challenge".I quickly turn to see a Jackal with a mask revealing only one of his eyes,a piercing yellow eye,he also had some sort of gem on his chest...Violet would have stole that in a flash if she was here. "Who the heck are you?"I said will getting slightly in a defense stance.He suddenly teleported right in front of me,levitating off the ground.He then used two of his fingers to lift my chin up to meet his face. "You May call me...Infinite,darling".I could feel my face heat up,lucky me I had my own face mask on.I quickly snapped out of my daze and made several flips backwards. "Listen 'Infinite',Nobody calls me darling,names Scarlett the Wolf." I said,making sure to keep my distance.By the looks of it...he was studying me,trying to spot every little detail.My Wispon seemed to catch his eye so I slightly hid it behind my back."Well "Scarlett"...Lets see what good a fighter you truly are" Infinite said.Suddenly everything turned a red tint and a strange sound occurred.I tried to run at him but I discovered I was levitating and getting nowhere.I used my wire to grapple onto a ledge,kicking Infinite right in his mask.I then aimed my Wispon and shot flames out of it,but he teleported away.I heard him chuckle as everything turned back to normal and I reached the ground.I kept checking my back,in a spinning motion but I couldn't see him anywhere."You're very skilled..Seems to me you've fought before" I heard him say rather slyly.If he was anywhere around me I could tell he'd be smirking. "I look forward to our next encounter" He said again.I saw this as a way to say 'You can go'.So I quickly took off...but who is this guy...

And why do I feel so weird around him?

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