Dating the enemy

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(Nobody's P.O.V)
Sonic spin dashed some of Eggman's bots as Bolts jumped off his back and shocked some with lightning.Knuckles and Amy were pounding bots into the ground as lasers were fired.Jay fired blasts from his wispon "Everyone take cover!" He yelled and they all dove into a small pit. "Ok,this isn't working!We need a plan" Shadow said.The Warriors looked at Scarlett. "We all know that look Scar" Drew said. "Ok,Sonic,Bolts,Jay and Shadow will handle Egg for Brains.Amy,Dyna,Violet,and Knuckles will handle the bots.Drew you create escape tunnels just in case. "What about Me and Ryder?" Tails asked. "Someone's gotta handle anything flying our way" Scarlett said while smiling. "And You?" Shadow questioned. "I'll handle Infinite" She said. "What?!Scarlett he defeated Sonic!" Knuckles said. "Im the only one who can match his power,just trust me" Scarlett said.Everyone looked at each other and nodded.The team then scattered and went to fight.Scarlett jumped up to Infinite and took out her wispon. "BURST!" She yelled.The Explosion occurred and her and Infinite when flying towards the other side of green hill...or...WERE they?Shadow glanced to the right to see Scarlett running off. 'The hell is she going?' He thought.He looked to see Jay,Bolts and Sonic handling Eggman and he went after Scarlett.

(Shadow's P.O.V)
I kept my distance as to not be seen by Scarlett...Where was she going?I kept following her as she made her way towards one of the Doctor's labs.She leaned against the door as if waiting for someone.I stayed hidden behind a tree as to not be seen.I then saw Infinite appear and approach her.I was getting ready to tackle him when suddenly Scarlett hugged him and he returned the hug.My eyes grew wide. ' with HIM?!' I thought while digging my fingers into the tree. "Sorry about nearly breaking your mask..." Scarlett said while taking off Infinite's mask,revealing he was that Jackal from 3 weeks ago!I THOUGHT SHE BLEW HIM UP! "It's alright,How long will your clones keep them fooled?" He asked as they sat against the door to the lab.Scarlett leaned her head on his shoulder "Not very long...Maybe a few minutes at best" Scarlett said.Infinite then leaned his head on top of her and used one arm to pull her close to him. 'Are!' I thought.I took once last glance before running off back towards the fight.The others have to know.

(Drew's P.O.V)
We all high fived and Scarlett came back.She had a huge scratch on her arm.Ryder rushed over and began wrapping her wound. "Thanks Ry-" Scarlett was then cut off by Shadow running out from the woods and tackling her.They both crashed into a cliff side where Shadow began to choke her. "YOU FILTHY TRAITOR!" He screamed as Scarlett struggled to breathe and loosen his grip.Sonic pulled Shadow off her and Violet and I caught Scarlett while she gasped for air. "Shadow!Calm down and explain!" He said. "LET GO OF ME FAKER AND LET ME GET RID OF INFINITE'S GIRLFRIEND!" He yelled back.Sonic then let go and everyone looked at Scarlett. "Scarlett...Please say that isn't true.." Ryder said as his ears slowly went down.Scarlett closed her eyes not saying anything.She then opened them and Put her hands on Ryder's shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes. "....No.It's not true." She stated with absolutely no sign of joking around. "YOU LIAR!" Shadow accused stepping forwards.Me and the Warriors all stood by Scarlett. "Scarlett has never lied to us." Violet said back to Shadow. "Yeah Shadow,You must've seen illusions.Infinite DOES love Scarlett" Sonic said while patting Shadow on the back.Shadow growled and we all went home.

(Nobody's P.O.V)
Scarlett and Shadow walked into their house and Scarlett secretly locked the door behind her.She then walked to the kitchen where Shadow was. "I know what I saw Scar." He said while washing a plate with his back to Scarlett. "Oh trust me.You saw right" She said calmly.Shadow then stopped and turned off the water.He slowly looked at her. "What." He said. "You DID see Zero and I" She said with her hands behind her back. "You lied to that kid...He's your family!" Shadow stepped forward. "Which is exactly why I did...I'm keeping my relationship with Zero a secret for their sake." Scarlett said "If they found out it'd crush them.". "I'm telling them Scarlett." Shadow said as he shoved Scarlett aside.Black and scarlet colored cubes covered the doors and windows and Shadow stepped back. "Scarlett-" Shadow was cut off by a cloth covering his mouth and nose from behind.He muffled for help and tried to pry the hand off. "It's okay Shadow...You won't get hurt" Shadow growled before slowly passing out. "Where do I take him Scarlett..?He'll just Chaos Control his way home and something tells me he won't forget" Zero said after gently laying him down.Scarlett walked over and took the chaos emerald. "He won't...Act like you caught him and did something to my brain or something...I want to wait for the right time to tell them" She said.Zero nodded and kissed her cheek before vanishing with Shadow.Scarlett had an idea..though she didn't like it.She waited till sunset before teleporting into Violet's room and hid the chaos emerald in a drawer. "Sorry Violet....But I can't afford to crush you guys" Scarlett said before teleporting back to her room.

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