Suggestions and Requests

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Hello Hello!
It is I the author of this story!I hope you are enjoying the story so far and I'm sorry If you are not.I'm actually here because of that!I want you guys to submit ideas or things you want me to add into the story;Whether that be characters,plot lines,or any other crazy things.However;There WILL be things I won't be adding at all for certain reasons;

1.Lemons or Smut;I am well aware that not EVERYONE likes these.However there are some people who LOVE reading lemons and smuts of their favorite characters.I want to keep this story and future stories clean and enjoyable for a variety of ages.So Smut,Lemon,or anything like that will NOT be there

2.Perverted behavior;I'm not going to be adding anything that is perverted,this MAY rule out Scourge the Hedgehog but Like I said I want my content clean.

3.Gore;Ok.I have to explain this one.Some gore will be ok.Like scars,slashes,stabs etc.I mean like ripping heads off,Chainsaws slicing characters open...It just gives me the creeps and I don't want anyone having nightmares.

Now that those 3 are out of the way.You can comment anywhere on this and let me know what you want to see;I won't be adding them straight away because I want this story to keep going so your idea may take a while.

Other than that;Enjoy the rest of the book!~

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