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(Nobody's P.O.V)
The Sonic Crew and the Wispon Warriors were fighting bots that were sent by Eggman.Bolts flipped and spin dashed 3 bots while Jay navigated Ryder to swoop down and fire at some.Violet flipped back and saw someone in the shadows.They were wearing a mask but were obviously a female

They were wearing a mask but were obviously a female

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Violet hissed and ran at the person

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Violet hissed and ran at the person.As soon as they came into contact,the masked one grabbed her and teleported deep into the forest.The mystery person then teleported back a few feet. "Violet-" she began but Violet cut her off by going for a kick to the stomach.The mystery person quickly dodged and continued to dodge all of Violets kicks and swings.Suddenly Drew drilled up from under the mystery person and kicked her right in the chin,which caused her to land on her stomach,knocking her mask off.Drew then ran to Violet "You ok Violet?" He asked. "I'm okay...Now who is that." Violet said and pointed at the Mystery person,who was clenching their stomach. "No...No no no no..." the mystery person mumbled.She slowly got up and turned to Drew and Violet,revealing it was Scarlett! "S-Scarlett?!" Violet gasped. "Zero!" Scarlett screamed and covered her face.There was a strange sound followed by a flash of red which brought Infinite who was by his beloved. "Darling?!Whats wrong?!" He asked while cupping her face in his hands. "The pup...I-I don't know if they are ok!I was knocked on m-my stomach an-and-" Scarlett said while tears flowed out.Infinite's eyes grew wide. "They....attacked you?" He slowly said. "I just wanted to t-talk to Violet an-and..." Scarlett's ears went down and she covered her face again.Infinite then started glowing red and he clenched his fists. "You...." He then floated up into the air and turned to Violet and Drew. "HOW DARE YOU ATTACK MY BELOVED AND OUR UNBORN!!" He screamed as The Phantom Ruby activated.Violet and Drew quickly grabbed onto eachother and stabbed the Drill Wispon into the ground. "Did he just say their "Unborn"?!" Drew questioned.Scarlett was floating in the air next to Zero/Infinite,she was clenching her stomach for dear life and mumbling prayer after prayer.Infinite now blinded by rage fired illusion cubes at them,which they dodged causing them to miss by a scratch.The rest of the warriors came running along with the Sonic Team.Infinite used the ruby to summon several cannons and fired them at the team.3 cannonballs hit Drew,Violet and Sonic,causing them to crash into the dirt.Infinite turned and floated back to Scarlett and held her close before teleporting away,which made the cannons vanish.Violet slowly got up with the help of Amy and Dyna. "Infinite said that we attacked Scarlett and their unborn....That means Scarlett is pregnant?!" She said in sheer confusion. "I guess so.." Drew said while leaning on Jay. "Not the best way to reunite with her...god I'm such an idiot" Violet shook her head.

(Scarlett P.O.V)
I couldn't help but feel weak from crying...I just wanted to tell Violet that I'm okay and that I was expecting just went so wrong.Doctor EggforBrains x-rayed my stomach and Zero kept pacing to the point where it left marks on the floor. "Well your pups are alive,just being less active." Egg brain finally said.Me and Zero were relieved,they were still ok.Zero then put his mask back on. "I'm going to make those pests pay for nearly giving me a heart attack!" He said.I got up and went over to him. "Zero,they are family" I said and took off his mask. "But they-" he began but I cut him off by scratching his ear which caused him to calm down and even purr.He growled in embarrassment while I laughed little. "Maybe when the pups are born I'll try again,but for now I better just relax" I said and leaned my head on him.He picked me up bridal style and carried me to our room.It was basically his old room but with more red for me.He laid me down in bed and then snuggled next to me.In a matter of seconds I drifted off to sleep.

(Sooooo It's been a while.I have been busy on sports and family so there may be a shortage on chapters.But either way I hope you enjoyed!)

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