Chapter 47

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"What are we gonna do now?"

I raised my head and stared at the hunter who asked. My eyes locked on his as I watch him shiver in cold.

"We wait for help." I plainly answered.

Right now, we have nothing to do but to wait for help. To wait for Dad and Lolo to arrive. But how long will we wait? How long can we wait?

We don't have much time...

"This is nonsense! Hindi dapat tayo umalis! Iniwan natin sila!"

The sudden outburst of Dresa caused all other noise to drop. Everyone had their eyes on me, but I noticed one who didn't even bulge.


"Hunters don't leave their comrades behind. Babalik tayo." Said the one who looked like her father.


Everyone stayed as Samantha's voice echoed. I had my eyes fixed on her as I wait for her words.

Slowly, she lifted her gaze and met mine.

"Everyone sit down... Someone got some explaining to do."

I gulped because of the coldness of her voice.

Seconds later, I found myself surrounded by these hunters. I felt the tension with their gazes but Sam's piercing gaze stands out the most. I found myself trying to avoid her eyes.

"Speak. Hindi mo siya iiwan sa loob nang mag-isa kung walang mabigat na dahilan."

I finally looked at her. Our stare lasted for a minute before I finally sighed as a sign of defeat. What bad would it do if I tell them the story, right?

"Fine... Theia shifted." I seriously started.

"Shifted? Isn't that a good thing?" One of the hunters asked.

I closed my eyes as I release another sigh. I can still feel the tension from earlier. Just by seeing that smile, it brought back that worse memory of mine...

"It's no good thing..."

"What do you mean?" This time, it was Dresa who asked.

And as I try to tell them that story, I came back to that memory itself.


"Haha! This is so ugly! Parang ikaw!" I teased my twin while holding her barbie upside down.

She tried to jump and take it back, but I just held it higher for her not to reach.

"Give it back! Isusumbing kita kay Lolo!" She yelled, but I just laughed it out.

I stared at the doll I'm holding and held back my laughter.

'Who wants to play with this thing? Aside from it's boring, what can dolls do? Nothing. You still need to move them just to be able to play with them.'

"Go and play with the kids in the pack instead! They sure move around, unlike this!"

"No! Give it back!"

She started throwing me her little knuckles. I chuckled and just let her. Until seconds later, I realized she stopped. She's a few feet away from me and then I noticed her shoulders moving. After another second, she started screaming and crying!

So annoying! Her voice hurts my ears! She keeps on yelling and crying at the same time!

'Tch... Guess I have to give it back.'

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