Chapter 48

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"How many minutes have passed?"

"40 minutes."

That's good... Dad will soon arrive. Everything will end. Everything will be back to normal.

"Wait... May... May lumalabas na tao."

I raised my gaze and curiously looked at the hunter who spoke.

"What?" I asked.

His eyes are fixed at one direction. I found myself following the direction of his eyes, and it sopped right at the entrance of the basement we exited from.

And then I heard it... Footsteps.

My heart started to race as I feel sweats forming on my forehead. I stood and motioned everyone to keep their distance from the entrance.

"Who is it?" Someone asked.

But I remained silent. My eyes were glied on that entrance. And slowly, a figure started to form. The louder the footsteps, the clearer the figure becomes.

My eyes then widened as I realize who it was...

"Get back! Everyone!"

I pulled Samantha and took steps further from the entrance. Everyone followed.

The moon shined upon us... And those silvery-gray eyes sparkled in the dark.

"She's... She's here... Theia."

I felt my hands tremble... Here it goes again. Memories came flashing back. I took a step backwards as I shut my eyes close.

'No... Calm down, Keith... It was all in the past.'

But I can't calm down...

'She can hurt me anytime... She can hurt everyone of us. What should I do? What should I do?'

Suddenly, I felt warm hands covering mine. My trembling instantly faded as warmth started to fill me. I slowly opened my eyes and found Samantha staring worriedly at me.

"You okay?..."

I gave her a sly smile and returned my gaze at my twin. I breathed in a deep breath... And slowly exhaled.

"Everyone... Don't let your guards down!"


Silence ensued...

We watched Theia walk slowly towards us. The moonlight made it possible for us to notice how soaked in blood she is. I even saw her pluck her tongue out to lick the blood away from the sides of her lip.

I felt chills run down my spine with that gesture. It's so not her...

"Oh my~ what do we have here?" She finally spoke.

She stopped on her track and crossed her arms against her chest. She looked at us one by one.

"We have vampire hunters..." Her eyes then darted on me and Samantha. "And two werewolves."

"Theia... W-what happened inside?" I mentally cursed when my voice cracked as I speak.

Her grin widened as she stared at me.

"You know me? Well, I prefer being called Deious, but nevermind..."

What is she talking about? What does she mean by I know her? Of course I know her... We are twins!

"The vampires inside, you ask? Well I just... Eliminated them."

I gulped after hearing those words.

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