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The night I fell in love with him was the night I watched blood ooze out of his wounds, sapping his life away


Kitioma Hadlee

          My parents never told me about Hogwarts, but I had read about it and realized my grandmother's true surname had been written into the book and questioned my parents. They finally told me the truth, and I've been pondering the thought of having a great wizard as a grandfather for years.

I decide to sleep on my...well, my murderer chasing after my blood to make him powerful and take over the world problem. Hey, it's not my fault I had to be born with the blood of some powerful wizard.

I didn't mean to fall asleep in the Astronomy Tower, it just kind of...happened. My eyes closed on their own, my head nodding into my chest, my body against the cold wall.

I really didn't mean it.

My dream is vivid. Sharp. Moving a lot faster than I can comprehend. The world is spinning at my feet, around and around until finally, it stops, throwing me down.

A dream, or a memory?

A forest surrounds me, the wind blowing through my curly black hair. I look down and see that I am barefoot, my body wrapped in a sleeveless white dress, my hair let down from its usual ponytail in long spirals down my back. The feeling of peace and serenity wraps around me. The moon looks down upon me, the air warm, hugging my skin. Crickets chirp, the smooth rustle of grass against the wind slides through the night air.

I hate it.

Something feels off, nothing in this world is that peaceful, that calm, that majestic, without some twisted, cruel meaning behind it.

The wind picks up, the whistling sounding like ghostly haunting in my ears.

I glance down at my feet. They are suddenly cold, like the rest of my body. Ice starts climbing over them, traveling up my legs, and it is too late to move.

Just before the ice reaches my neck, the scene changes, and I am suddenly in Hogwarts. Two figures are walking down the long hallway I am in, talking.

"You know, lord, you should just kill the girl while you have the chance," The voice sounds strangely familiar.

"You know I can't do that, Kadwell," The other voice growls. It, as well, sounds familiar.

Kadwell...where is that name from? In my dream-like state, I can't think clearly, only listen to the voices talking about some girl.

"Why not? We only need some of her DNA to win this war, we don't need her blood-"

"If I do remember correctly, Kadwell, I'm the leader here, and you are the servant. You were supposed to get her to give you some of her blood willingly but you lost all trust when you gave her the curse on the wrong day," The other voice hisses. "You know she will make us the most powerful when she gives it willingly."

"And how are you going to do that?" The first voice sneers. The faces still haven't come into view; they look blurry and like blotches of ink on paper.

"Simple, really. Make her trust me, fall for me, even, and get her to give it."

"You?" The first voice snorts. "Make her fall for you? Please, you couldn't do that without a love potion."

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