Ticci Toby x Witch Reader - Update

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Ok. I'm sucked into it guys! I told myself I wouldn't do this, but I'm already forming a crap ton of plots and subplots in my head for a full story. SO! I will be releasing a new Ticci Toby fanfiction! A full story, my friends! I will keep the previous chapters here, just as a little teaser.

I'm hoping to have all of my full stories out by the end of October, but I'm not super sure about it actually happening. I try to write a full story before publishing it now, just because I tend to go in several times to tweek it and add some things or just generally proof-read my work. But for this, since the story already has some fans, I think I'll just post a few chapters at a time as soon as they're ready.

If you guys see any mistakes please, please, PLEASE tell me! I strive to make my fanfiction as good as a real book whenever possible, so feedback is always appreciated!

Also, keep a watchful eye out in the previous chapters for major edits and stuff. I'll mark the chapter for a week when I've changed them at the top in bold, but after that it'll be old news.

Anyways! I won't take anymore of your time now. Thanks for your support, guys. And thank you, kaat1012 for asking for a second part. If not for you, I wouldn't have decided to do this! And for those who don't want the full story, I'll have a final part by the end of the week. Promise.

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