Chapter 19: The Return

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This is it! What you all been waiting for... on with the show.

Chapter Nineteen: The Return,

Within moments, Bella arrived in Aro's room and she laid him down on his bed. Blood was seeping out of his wounds with every beat of his weakening heart. She had to help him now, there was no time to wait for Carlisle or it would be too late for him to survive. Aro moved his head side to side in agony and Bella panicked seeing him in such pain. She ripped off his dress and lapped at the gaping wounds until they closed. With all her love and control she maintained strength enough to heal his wounds. She grabbed a towel off the table and sopped up the blood that lay on his skin and checked him over anxiously.

"Oh Aro, I'm so sorry I wasn't there!" She said agonizing in regret.

She reached down, lifting his hand, and brought it to her lips. She kissed it tenderly and he pulled her down for the kiss. He moaned softly from her affection. His soft trembling lips parted as they begin to kiss desperately. The couple were only glad to be alive. Thoughts flowed though her mind and guilt stirred again when she worried about the condition of the baby through the trauma. She rubbed his tummy as she listened for the fast reassuring heatbeat and the slight movement that soothed her worried brain as she picked up on it. Seeing Aro cry, she reached up and wiped the tears away that was caused by the pain then sat back in the chair by the bed.

Just then, the door flew open the banged against the wall as Caius, Felix, Demetri, Carlisle, Esme and Reneta entered all at once. Bella moved quickly and covered Aro with a blanket then turned to address them. Carlisle moved immediately to Aro's side and started to check him over. Caius stepped forward and grabbed Bella's shoulders as she stood to talk to him.

"What the hell happened!" He shouted.

Bella looked into his upset face, her countenance appearing exhausted and emotionally drained as she answered. "Sulpicia and Victoria got in and kidnapped Aro and Corin! Corin's dead Caius, we were too late to save her! Jane has been dismembered as well!"

Everyone turned to her and gasped at the news. Caius ignored the outburst and continued questioning Bella.

"How? We had every entrance guarded by someone!"

Bella shook her head emphatically. "Not every way in, you remember the secret passageway, that's how they got in and out and got to him." Bella continued not caring that she had let the cat out of the bag concerning the switch.

Realization hit Caius as he looked into Aro's face in disbelief of his own forgetfulness and gave him a sorrowful expression of regret. Esme approached Bella and reached up to her face, bringing it down to her level to search it with concern.

"Bella?" Bella nodded affirmatively to her. She hugged her then. "Oh, my poor girl!"

Carlisle squinted at Aro's face. "Um Aro? Is that really you my friend?"

Aro nodded slowly. "Yes, my dear Carlisle, it is a spell that caused a switch of our souls."

"How long?"

"Since Bella arrived to save Edward." Aro answered.

Carlisle looked from Aro to Bella in amazement, he would have never known if Bella hadn't said anything.

Aro's guards flitted over by his side, suddenly. "Master?"

Aro nodded at them to continue. "Yes, my dear ones?"

Demetri and Felix looked at each other in alarm and in embarrassment at the news.

"Oh, sorry Master for tying to kiss you in the past." Demetri elbowed Felix for the comment, but he went on.

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