Goodbye insanity

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The day has finally come, it is currently June so it's gonna be pretty cold this winter. I pack my belongings that had been brought to me to keep me entertained. I wonder if Anthony's able to hold on for all this time, Well I guess I'm gonna have to see once I leave this stupid worthless shit hole. 

I walk into my dark and anxious home, it creaks in a lonely way. My shoes echo as they tap the  cold dusty floor. "Flick", the lights hesitantly lighten up as I make my way to the basement, no noise could be heard, not even when I slowly swipe the lights on, The horrific view of Anthony. Dead. Her body lies flaccid and unnatural on the floor. Her pale skin and shocked expression on her lifeless eyes. I come closer and kneel to see her face, she died with a heart attack, I check her stomach, it hadn't of happened until 2 days into my nursing care, she died starving and scared to the point her heart couldn't take it. But how? she wouldn't of been starving until 5 days, I injected a drug to stop her hunger right before I saw the nurse. This isn't right! I didn't mean to kill her! I swear! "Useless" I'm sorry! "You never cared"  I didn't!... no... "you'd do it again and again for your own satisfaction!"  ...Maybe its time to leave. Maybe I'm controlled by this house. That's it, yeah... that's it.

                                                    [A week later - after Anthony's found dead body]

I unpack my bags as they lay flat on the new wooden floor, I finally moved from home, the place where I had grown insanity in. I'm now living in Auckland, this place seems more chaotic and busy but I'll handle it. The university isn't far from here, that's good... but, I've given up on school. I'm gonna get a job and hopefully get as much experience as I can instead, for online courses and my learners license. I start unpacking my belongings and lay a mattress down as well as my only blanket, I'm gonna take it slow today, no more running, no more hiding. I'm gonna be confident and... Normal. It's time I worry about the important things, no Desmond, no teenagers. Just strangers, that, I can work harder on gaining relationships with. Goodbye Desmond, it was nice having you around, sorry Anthony, sorry Jack, goodbye Jian, goodbye Rove, goodbye everyone. 

Lets not meet again.

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