Chapter Twenty Four

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"I can't believe you!" I exclaim. Wyatt looks up as I slam his bedroom door open. It bangs against the wall. "Chris told me what the argument was about. Who do you think you are?"

This is a long shot. I'm hoping by pretending I already know, Wyatt will give away what actually happened. Then, I can confront Chris and ask why he thought it was so bad he couldn't tell me.

My brother's face pales. "G-good morning my lovely sister. We're gonna be late for school." He says. I raise an eyebrow. Changing the subject, hm? Interesting.

"I don't think so mister. Why would you say such a thing?" I ask, faking irritation. He groans.

"I guess you would've found out eventually." He mumbles. Found out what? "I don't trust him. That sounds bad. He's my best friend. I don't trust him with you. Not like you'd share those feelings anyway but Chris has never had a stable relationship so- why do you look surpris- Oh. Shit. Annie!" Realization hits him like a truck.

I don't react. I'm staring blankly at him. 'Share those feelings'? Feelings? Relationship?  Does Chris- Oh my god. Holy crap.

"You're fucking evil! You can't tell Chris I said that. Wait...I didn't even give anything aw-"

"The argument was about me." I say slowly. He gulps. "I'm the person you two were fighting about. Be-because Chris has feelings. For me. And that's why you keep getting irritated when we're standing or sitting too closely. That's why he wouldn't explain what you guys were talking about. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. Why the fuck didn't you tell me?" I exclaim.

"Only an idiot as blind as you wouldn't realize that." Luna comes in and shuts the door behind her. "You're lucky Chris is outside starting the car because I could hear you from downstairs. By the way, Mom wants to talk to you, Annie." My sister says casually.

"You knew? Why wouldn't you say anything?" I ask incredulously. She sighs and shakes her head.

"I would've thought subtle hints and actions could've given it away. I underestimated your ability to be stupid." She states. I blink.

Chris likes me.

Christopher Beckham likes me.

Holy fuck.

"I need to talk to hi-"

"Oh no no no young lady." Wyatt finally composes himself and grabs my arm. "No. Absolutely fucking not. He'll kill me for telling you." I roll my eyes. His fault for falling for my not even believable trick. Idiot.

"Wyatt's kinda right. You shouldn't tell Chris you know. At least, not directly. He should tell you on his own time." She says. "Do you like him?"

"Of course she doesn't." Wyatt says at the same time I reply "I might." We glare at each other.

"This is not happening. I preferred when you hated each other." He mumbles. Luna slaps him.

"You need to shut up. Your sister likes your best friend. Big deal. You like mine. Just relax, okay? Chris wouldn't hurt Annie-" He dumped a milkshake on my head. "-he likes her. Give them a chance, Wyatt. You have full permission to kick Chris's ass if he breaks Annie's heart but for now-"

I leave the room. Their voices turn distant as I reach downstairs. Mom grins at me. Oh great. "Hey sweetie. How's your morning?" She asks sweetly. I stare at her.

"You heard."

"I heard." She confirms. I sigh, earning a bright smile from her.

"Heard what?" Chris asks, walking in. My face flushes red. Shit. It's too early for feelings.

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