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Hunter laughed as he replayed the video he took.

"Keep your stupid omega bitch-" Caydens back was turned in the video as he said it. "Who wants someone so easy anyway."

My heart dropped to my feet at seeing the video even for the millionth time. Hunter laughed again as I looked away trying to fight tears.

"This is the guy you saved?" Hunter shook his head.
No, Cayden was just trying to help, he was omega too! I tried to remind myself but then I suddenly felt unsure. He smelled of a strong wolf not an omega. Not at all.

"And he said a lot more before I could take that,

"He said he could smell you right away, had an omega before he got to town. Used that bitch up too and was looking for another one to play with," Hunter taunted as he threw himself back onto the bed. No! Lies. Hunter was lying.

Feeling suddenly weak and tired I went to sit down on the bed too, even though I was afraid what would come next. Hunter seemed in a good mood, not at all as furious as he had been when he left.
"Hey!" He suddenly shouted before I could sit down. "No pets allowed on the bed," he grinned, his blue eyes flashing as a tick in his jaw appeared.
Uh oh. "But-"
"Don't think for one second I believe you unwilling submitted to him Hayley; he tricked you didn't he? Used kind words? Told you you were special huh?" My face burned. Exactly, Cayden was like Hunter was in the beginning, kind and gentle. Made me feel special. It was true. "Oh babe," Hunter clicked his tongue as he got up to stand in front of me, reaching out to pull me close his cool breath fanned my forehead before he gave me a feather like kiss. "I told you, didn't I? I warned you, my poor dumb pet," he chuckled softly as he pulled me into a hug that made me want to cry into his shoulder but I couldn't give him the satisfaction. "As an omega you'll always be someone's bitch, just be happy I found you first, it could always be worse for you, at least I love you, you know," he pulled back and caught the traitorous tear that slipped from my eye. "It really hurt me to know you were sneaking behind my back with him," he gripped my chin, as i looked away, forcing me to look back at his face but the omega in me couldn't look him straight in the eyes so I stared at his nose as he spoke. "I do love you Hayley, if I didn't the whole pack would know what kind of wolf you are, you just better count yourself lucky that Caydens apart of my pack now and won't speak about it as it goes against me," he sounded confident. The Cayden I knew would laugh if he heard that, his distain for packs and alpha-beta-omega titles.

But could that have been a facade? Meant to lure me to comfort in confiding him my truth? Maybe he only suspected and wanted to hear the truth before he tried it with someone else's girlfriend.
Would he have forced me once he learned the truth?

It made more sense to me now, like a sudden realization. Everything he did and said was to get me away from Hunter, get me to admit who I was.
Yeah right he was half human. I would have smelled that wouldn't I? Know my own kind and all that?

How could I be so dumb? Hunter was right about me. I was a dumb slut who jumped on the first boy who was kind to me. It was that easy.
Cayden said it himself.
I was easy.

And it seemed this whole time I had wanted to get away from Hunter, but Hunter was right, did I not have it good here? He gave me everything, made everyone believe I was just as strong of a wolf as any of them, showed me off to everyone. When I got sick he made sure I was taken care of.
Was this not as good as an omega would get?
Maybe I was lucky after all.

So what he beat on me, it wasn't his fault I was disobedient, wasn't his fault I was a weak wolf.
That blame was solely on my parents. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? He was just trying to make me stronger.

And the rape? A voice in my head called in protest, a last pitiful plea.

In the wolf world there was no such thing. I belonged to Hunter. I had no right to deny him anything. It was my human side who twisted it in my head, made me believe I had rights. Believe I could say no.

At that thought, the despair and heartache was too much, Cayden would have used me up, told everyone and laughed about the dumb easy omega chick as he fled to the next town once he was done with me. Left me to fend for myself on the streets, knowing another were would be sniffing me out after hearing Cayden boast about it.

Something snapped inside of me.

"I'm truly sorry Hunter, I belong to you, and only you. Please, forgive me," I could hear my voice but it felt as if I were having an outer body experience, as if I was drifting away, only allowed to watch myself talk and act as if I were now a passenger and no longer the driver in my own body. I just wanted to pull my knees up to my chest and fall asleep and let someone else take the reigns for a while. My wolf side seemed happy to take over. That part of me that was all animal, that knew her place and understand what she had to do to survive. What her job in the pack was.

"It's okay pet," Hunter said enjoying the new name he gave me. I felt numb to it all. A sense of duty coming over me. Make him happy. I dropped to my knees and he looked down at me with a grin as he started to wipe my cheeks making me realize tears were still falling, feeling cut off from my own self, from my feelings. "I forgive you, sometimes life likes to teach us a lesson when we become ungrateful," he now rubbed at my lips as I parted them, a lustful look overcoming his features.
Make him happy. Show him appreciation for not killing you for being so stupid. For forgiving you and not throwing you out, literally to the wolves, letting all know what an ungrateful omega you were, the wolf side hissed inside my head and I allowed it, allowed my body to do as she wished. Feeling now split inside my head, feeling like I was retreating, now allowing her to take over for me. No more human thoughts and emotions.
Just gonna step away for a little...
The sound of Hunter unzipping his pants and my body took over, knowing what to do.

And I was right. This time around I didn't feel the word rape bouncing around inside of my head.
I felt duty. This is what my alpha wants, and who am I to deny him?

Who was I, when I was with you?

who was I, when I submitted to you?

who was I, when I accepted your abuse?

who was I, to you?

who had I become, to allow the horrors you done unto me?

Who was I? And what had I become?

-a little poem for Obey.

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