Part 15

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"Coz' that's fucking gay!" I exclaimed.

"How is that gay?" Cody replied.

I sighed, rubbing my temples in frustration.

"Look, I know I said that we could go somewhere for our first hangout and let you choose where to go. But of all places to go, why must it be a fucking orphanage! That's so lame." I whined.

"Dude, how is going to a place full of kids wanting to play is lame?" Cody asked.

I looked over to Coraline, and she just nodded her head to Cody, agreeing with him. Cody smiled in success.

"I'm just not that good with kids," I mumbled.

Coraline just arched one of her eyebrows, and Cody spoke up. "Why is that?"

"They remind me of my past," I said very quietly, hoping they would stop asking.

They seemed to be getting the signal and decided to talk something else.

"Okay..." Cody sai. Suddenly the air became thicker.

I scoffed, "Okay, fine, I'll join you," I said, suddenly regretting life decisions. "Which orphanage are we going to anyways?"

Then Coraline showed me her phone.

Heh, Hope Orphanage, the place is just near to this campus.

I sighed. "Let's go, then."


The place isn't as small as I thought, and the building is more colorful than I thought it is.

I guess my life color is just too dull.

I chuckled at my joke and sighed at how true it is.

"Let's get in then!" Cody chirped and led us the way. "I have never been to an orphanage before. I wonder how it feels like to be an orphan."

I just shrugged, altho my parents are dead, I somehow manage to live my own life for years without anyone's help.

We walked into the building and saw a middle-aged lady on her desk checking a pile of papers. Cody started to talk.

"Umm.. hello there, ma'am-"

Suddenly the lady looked up from her papers to us and smiled.

"Oh? Why are there three students here still with their uniforms? Aren't you too young to adopt?" The lady straightforwardly asked.

"Ahh, we are not here to adopt, ma'am. We are here to look at the cute children here." Cody explained.

I cocked one of my eyebrows. Coraline's voice would probably come back instantly if Cody decided to adopt.

"Oh? Okay then, please take care of the children. And I need you guys to write your names and sign here." The lady said and gave us a paper and a pen.

Not many people's names were on the list, so I guess the orphanage doesn't have that many guests.

Who am I kidding? Who wants to go to an orphanage for a hangout?

"Ahh, Monikka Mayleen, Coraline O'Shea... Cody, Cody Williams? That is weird. I feel like I have ever heard that name before." The lady mumbled.

Suddenly her head shot up, and she stood up.

"Wait here," The lady said. Coraline and I exchanged glances, and I just shrugged.

The lady came back with a thick binder. She wore her glasses and started flipping the pages.

Then she stopped at a page and gasped. She looked at Cody with bewildered eyes.

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