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[ 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑   𝐓 𝐖 𝐎 ]


"So Remus, that was quite the hug," Sirius commented dryly, looking at the scarred boy with an amused expression.

James tossed his head back and laughed. "Yeah! Our hug was intense."

"James, I think Sirius meant the hug with Winnie," Peter said, opening a chocolate frog.

"Oh, right." James narrowed his eyes at Remus. "That."

Remus laughed awkwardly, his cheeks turning red. "T'was just a hug," he mumbled.

James looked at him for a moment longer, his eyes still narrowed. "Just a hug, huh? I'll believe it. For now."

Remus laughed awkwardly before bringing up quidditch. He'd learned a couple years ago that the mere mention of the sport could distract Sirius and James like a squirrel distracts a dog. Peter however, just gave him a knowing look.

Remus listened to his three friends engaging in a lively conversation about the sport, a small frown on his face. He knew that truly, James would be supportive if there were to ever be something between him and Winnie. He'd be weirded out or upset about it at first, but he wouldn't be mad.

But Remus wasn't sure he wanted there to be something because something always ends and eventually becomes nothing. And it'd pain him more than the full moon to lose Elowen.

So Remus would suppress his feelings even if it kills him.


Elowen missed dinners in the great hall.

She sat between Lily and Marlene, across and down the table from her brother and the other marauders, as she stuffed her mouth with the delicious food in front of her.

"Petunia took a cooking class last year," Lily said, taking a large bite of some pastry.

"As in your sister Petunia?" Marlene asked. Lily nodded.

"Yeah. Apparently it was offered as a class at her Muggle school. Anyways, she started cooking dinner over the summer. It was bloody horrible, honestly."

Winnie screwed up her face. "Did you eat it?"

"I ate it and even complimented it. I'm not sure how I survived the summer to be honest."

"If it was James, I would've told him it tasted like goblin piss," Winnie laughed.

"But you and James get along!" Lily said. "I was trying to be civil with her now that she's decided she hates me."

"I'm not sure how anyone could hate you, Lily," Marlene said truthfully. Winnie agreed. Besides the fact the red head could be a bit of a rule follower at times, it was hard to not like Lily Evans.

"James, in fact, is in love with you."

"Oh, for the last time—"

The girls continued to laugh through the entire meal, just enjoying each other's presence. Meanwhile, the boys were hunched around an apple, talking in excited but hushed voices.

"No I'm telling you, if we can get past Filch and get to the corridor by the kitchens before 11 then—"

James's scheming was abruptly cut off by a sharp cough from behind him. All four of the marauders' heads shot up, meeting the unamused face of Professor McGonagall.

"Minnie!" Sirius greeted enthusiastically. "You missed us, didn't you? We're your favorite students after all."

Professor McGonagall just shook her head. "Barely an hour into the school year and you four are already stirring up trouble. I wish I could say it was a surprise, but we both know it wasn't. The only surprise is that Miss Potter hasn't joined."

Upon hearing her name, Elowen's head of curls shot up. "What's that Minnie? You've discovered Sirius and I's plan to jinx the Slytherin robes?"

McGonagall just shook her head again before turning away before any of them could see the slight smile on her lips. Winnie shot Sirius and the boys a wink before re-emerging herself into the conversation with the girls.

After the dinner, Winnie found herself bundled in a blanket from home and huddled onto one of the beds with Lily and Marlene on either side of her.

Already, she and James had snuck down to the kitchen to stock up on their dormitory snack pile, and she and the girls were taking full advantage of it.

"Marls, are you going to try out for Quidditch this year?" Elowen asked between bites.

"I'm not sure," she replied honestly. "The course load this year with all the N.E.W.T.s and everything will be hard enough already. Besides, I'm not that good at Quidditch and the captain doesn't like me."

Unfortunately, Marlene had a point. While she was a solidly decent player, her lack of playing in the last few years meant she wasn't as well-practiced as she could've been. Not only that, but the captain, Julian Wood, was Marlene's ex boyfriend and his hate for the blond was almost as strong as his love for the game.

"Well, I think it wouldn't hurt to try," Lily commented. Elowen nodded, leaning back into the pillows. The girls all shifted, calming down a bit.

"Every year it surprises me how much I miss school," Elowen said. Her friends mumbled in agreement.

Lily snuggled in closer, the three of them now cocooned together like they were first years again. "You know what is never a surprise? How much I miss you guys." 

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