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[ 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑  𝐒 𝐄 𝐕 𝐄 𝐍 ]

𝓰𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝓸𝓷

REMUS WATCHED IN awe as Elowen flew. She rode the winds like a bird, nothing but pure elegance and speed as she zoomed around the pitch in search of the snitch. Occasionally, she'd yell our plays and instructions to the team.

Sirius was blocking the rings with a fierce determination to keep out all the quaffles and James and Marlene fought with vigor to score.

Their hard work was paying off with a score of 70-30 in favor of the Gryffindors.

Remus felt a little proud. After seeing how worried they were, he sought out the head of their house and explained the situation. He'd been hoping for some sort of relaxing drought, but instead, McGonagall told him the stories of her time on the team.

She told him about the cheer.

So Remus did what any good friend would do and wrote and copied the lyrics on as many papers as possible, giving them to all the Gryffindors he could, even some Hufflepuffs.

Before the match, he taught a few people the tune and told them to spread it around, and when the time came, he sang louder than anyone in the stands.

And from the smile on McGonagall's face, he knew it worked better than any calming drought would have.

He couldn't take his eyes off Winnie as she played. Her curls had fought against her braid and some of them seemed to have won. Loose strands surrounded her face in a glorious mess as she flew by.

Her eyes were as bright as the red staining her lips which were twisted into a determined smile. The way she moved in the air was second nature to her, just as admiring Elowen came second nature to Remus.

"GO WINNIE!" Remus and Peter cried as she flew by.

Winnie heard them and smiled to herself.

Her thoughts were on her friends when she saw a flash of gold by the Ravenclaw beater. As soon as it registered in her mind, she narrowed her eyes and took off.

The Ravenclaw seeker had seen it too and they both raced for the small ball.

Adrenaline pumped in her veins. She distinctly heard a cheer as James scored again, but her focus was on the snitch.

Her and the Ravenclaw were neck and neck now, mere meters away from the flying snitch, and gaining every second.

The Ravenclaw was inches ahead.

He was going to get it.

Winnie looked down for the first time and realized how high they flew. Perfect.

"JAMES!" She cried, almost startling the other seeker. "CATCH!"

Without seeing if he heard her, Winnie removed her feet from their holds and entered a crouch, only one hand on the broom as they flew at breathtaking heights and speeds.

Then she jumped.

Her arm outreached and just barely clasped around the snitch, and just for a moment, time stopped. And she was flying.


But the victorious smile on her face did not falter. Not as the ground approached, not as the crowd went silent.

She didn't flail or fight the fall, instead, spread her arms and embraced it.

The winds whipped her braid back and forth, fighting against her robes.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐆𝐎 | remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now