𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱: 𝐚 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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A Nice One

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A Nice One

Adhara looked around, but quickly realized she was not at Hogwarts. She began to explore her surroundings and instantly recognized the place.

She observed rows of tall oak trees scattered across a large green field, their leaves changing from red, orange, and yellow, signifying the start of autumn. She could see empty benches and picnic tables, there wasn't a trace of anyone else, she was the only one there.

This was the place her mother took her and her siblings to play during holidays.

Suddenly, laughs and screams could be heard in the distance, she followed the voices and could see three children. More specifically three small children with similar black heads of hair.

Her heart dropped when she realized it was her younger self and her two brothers. They looked no older than 9 and 10.

"Catch us, Siri! I bet you can't" said Regulus hiding behind one of the large oak trees.

"Well, it's hard when there's two of you to catch! Slow down will you!" Sirius said out of breath.

"No can do brother of mine," Adharas younger self said giggling and running further away from her oldest brother.

"I hate playing tag with you lot! I don't want to be 'it' anymore!"  young Sirius whined falling to the ground dramatically.

"Merlin Siri, you're such a drama queen," young Adhara laughs throwing herself on top of her older brother. Suddenly Regulus throws himself on top of Adhara. Causing them to groan.

"Look, guys! we're a Black sandwich! Get it? Cause we're Blacks!"

"Reggie, please don't try to make jokes, you're horrid at it," Adhara laughs pushing off her brother.

The siblings laugh and lay on the grass looking up at the cloud. Soon they begin pointing out all of the shapes they could observe in the sky.

Suddenly the scenery changed.

It was the same field but the trees were now bare, and the ground was filled with snow. In the distance, she could no longer see the three children, instead, she could see two figures standing in the distance. They had their backs turned towards her, and one was resting their head on the others shoulder. Instead of happy screams and laughs, she could hear soft cries coming from both figures.

She began to approach the figures, but suddenly the figures disappeared and Adhara was engulfed in darkness.

Adhara woke up confused and looked around for the time.

5:45 am.

Adhara groaned. She could see her roommates Liz Harris and Wanda Lewis still asleep and could hear Amethysts loud snores.

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