Chapter 9

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AN: here it is! i will be working on the end of ten today! so look for it tomorrow! Thank you for reading and enjoy! :)

Chapter 9

The Next Day – very early

Harry’s POV

“WAKE UP!!!” A very loud, Irish voice yelled out. I groaned, and grabbed the pillow under me and covered my head with much force. I felt jumping on the bed along with feet bouncing on my legs. I tried to tell him to stop but he didn’t hear my muffled sounds. I stuck out my hand and reached out for his leg. The next thing that happened, I felt Niall next to me.

“OW!” I rushed out of the piles of blankets on top of me, and rubbed the back of my neck. “What the heck?! Why did you pinch me?!” I asked him. He just smiled. Uh-oh. I know that smile. It’s the I have a plan about to go in action look. “It’s a great morning, and Liam says we have plans today so...” he motioned his arms up, and pushing me off and into the bathroom. I guess I’m getting ready then.


My stomach grumbled as we passed by a small restaurant. I don’t get why we woke up early, and Liam still hasn’t told us where we were going and why. Actually none of us really said anything all morning. I didn’t get to talk to Zayn. I know that we had broken up, but I want to know when we have to tell the others. I really don’t like lying to them. I was more worried about my family, and what their reaction would be.

I shifted my gaze from the outside window to Zayn. He was very grumpy about an early start. I watch him as he starts to go back to sleep then Niall throws a pillow to wake him as a warning. Zayn huffed and sat up straighter. I chuckled to myself and turned to Louis, at least he wasn’t sleeping. He didn’t seem happy. Really, he hasn’t been happy-Louis for a long time. He doesn’t seem to want to talk about it, which gets me worried.

It felt like hours in the car when really it was 45 minutes. “Okay we’re here!” Liam Said parking the car. Questioning the location we were in, I eagerly got out and took in the surroundings. It seemed like a park. Let me say that again, it is a huge beautiful closed area, with grass as green as fresh summer leaves. Flowers everywhere and long lines of tall trees along the sides of the wonderful field.

 “Where are we?” Louis asked taking in the un-Englandy place. I was wondering again about today’s plans. I looked over at Niall and Liam, the blonde one with a huge smile still on his face. I swear he is starting to scare me…

Liam spoke up. “This is a park. Niall and me pl-….” He was cut off by a certain blue eyed boy jumping with excitement. “We planed an anniversary date for Zayn and Harry! Right in this park. Liam had made it private, so you 2 could have a great day together! This is just the beginning though, but take as long as you guys need. Just make sure it’s as long as 3 hours. Here is your food, and enjoy the morning. By the way there are benches hidden around. I’ll see you guys soon!” He said handing the basket of food to Zayn and pushing us together and closer in the park. I was about to turn and tell Niall, but I felt a hand pull me back. Confused, I looked at Zayn pulling me along, thanking Niall and Liam, at the same time biding goodbye to the lads. I quickly said a goodbye moving along with Zayn.

After making sure we were out of their sight, we turned into a narrow path lined with thin trees, yet we are pretty covered.

“Zayn, what was that?” I asked, very confused of his actions. “Didn’t you see how excited Niall was about this? Obviously he was happy for us and it would crush him if he knew. We wouldn’t want to see him upset right?” he asked. I thought about it and realized it was true. “So what do we do now? I think we can rule out the truth for now.” “Of course, eventually we will tell them, but for now we need to “still be together” for him.” He said with air quotes. I looked at him, wondering if lying was best. I was thinking of more options, but gave up knowing I wouldn’t get anything. I agreed, and lead him to a bench. I may be conflicted, but I was hungry. We sat and ate.

I was even more confused when I was staring at Zayn. His black hair that was at his usual hair style. His smile, as he looked at the things around us. I took another look, and felt a little hurt that I could’ve been enjoying the date here. It was peaceful and warm. It does feel depressing that we weren’t together; I could imagine us holding hands, talking about anything and everything. Laughing, kissing and just enjoying the morning together.

I was up to my last piece of my biscuit, but I made no movement to finish it. I felt a pair of eyes on me, and then little tingles, no matter if we were a couple or not, I still will feel what I felt that day, a month ago. “Haz, you okay?” Zayn asked. “I was just thinking of how we didn’t even last a complete month. It’s too bad too; this would’ve been a great start to our day huh?” I told him in honesty. I glanced at him; he was looking to the distance, as if he was thinking hard. I looked away and set the remains of our food in the red wood woven basket.

 I had finished, grabbing Zayn’s hand I stood up and pulled him along into the trees. Deciding that I was bored, I had messed up his hair and ran off, knowing my doom if I hadn’t. Heavy footsteps were heard behind me as I dashed about and around the trees. I laughed as he almost hit every one, and was tripping over the roots, sprouting out of the ground. Soon we had little fights and had laughed way too hard.

I bent over to try and get some air, when I was tackled to the ground. I was tickled all over, no matter how much I had used my hands to push the hands away. After a few more seconds, I gave up and he did too, clearly exhausted. He hovered over me as we both rested to gain air, breathing heavily in sync. I opened my eyes and looked directly into the dark brown eyes that I found so addicting to. I knew I was getting closer, and I guess he did too, but we didn’t care as we took the same gesture we are both oh-so-familiar with. I reached up and pulled the back of his head closer, while his arms lifted me off the ground. Together we rushed into a kiss, we both eagerly wanted. It felt just like the first one. Slow and passionate, and we both felt the same fear from that first sweet kiss. I think we both knew that it was different kissing each other when we weren’t together, then when we were. It seemed like hours after we forced our mouths together, that we pulled away only a few centimeters. Hands and arms still in the same position, I opened my eyes to worried brown ones. I smiled reassuringly and inched forward to kiss him briefly before detaching myself and stood up. I watched the Bradfordboy get up and awkwardly clean himself off and cough. I chuckled to myself and grabbed his hand once again today, and walked to the field of the bright green grass, and lay down, never removing my hand from Zayn’s. We just laid there watching the sky and clouds move and form into things. I didn’t think there was much to say, obviously we would have to talk about it, but I just didn’t want to ruin this moment, the one time I had felt happy.

Without a thought of fear or loneliness. Without him.

“Hey guys!”

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