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You've seen it on the cartoons when someone moves so fast all they leave is a blurred trail of color, right?

Well that's how you felt on this early Wednesday morning.

"Yes, yes I'm sorry Ms.Grant, I'll be in the office as soon as possible." You assured your boss, trying to pour packets of sugar into the coffee that wasn't even for you. You stirred the hot liquid, careful not to spill it onto your hand. Your shoulder was holding your phone up against your ear as you tried to multitask. You cringed as your boss began to scold you for not being in the office right now. Everything seemed so chaotic. You were in the middle of a cafe, trying to fix some coffee for your boss, as she continued to scold you. "Yes, I apologize Ms.Grant. I will have your coffee brought to you in no time." You assured. "No, no I won't miss the meeting, I promise I'll be there on time. Yes, yes, okay thank you, bye." Your shoulder still balanced your phone as you tried to properly put the cap of the coffee cup on.

Once you made sure the cap was one properly, you grabbed your phone, tossing it in your purse as you tried to scurry out of the cafe that was beginning to become fairly busy.

Your heels made a heavy clicking noise as you walked across the place, heading straight for the door.

You noticed that your phone began ringing once again.

You dug in your purse trying to find the small device that continuously rang. As you pulled it out, not paying attention to where you were going, a blonde woman entered the cafe as you attempted to make your way out, causing you to almost clash into her. You let out a gasp, stopping yourself before someone got hurt, "Oh god, I'm sorry, I was supposed to be paying attention to where I was going." You mentally slapped yourself. The woman chuckled, "Hey, no worries darling, your perfectly fine." She told you. You scrunched your face in confusion, you could've sworn that you heard that voice before. You practically froze, trying to identify that voice. It was hard for you to even have a slight clue, considering that the woman's face was covered with thick, black shades that hid half her face. The woman gave you a strange look, causing you to snap out of your thoughts. "Oh, uh, right. Thank you for understanding, again sorry about that." You awkwardly laughed. The stranger gave you a warm smile, "Your totally fine, have a nice day." She said, allowing you to exit the building. You returned the smile, nodding your head, "Thanks you too." You said, swiftly walking past her as you remembered how much of a rush you were in. "Fuck." You muttered under your breath, trying to pick up the pace, though your heels didn't make it an easier for you.

This was going to be a long day for you.

"Y/n!!!" Ms.Grant yelled from her office. You jumped at the sudden scream, immediately scurrying over to your bosses office.

"Yes Ms.Grant?" You nervously asked, knowing that whenever she screamed your name like that, it either meant you were in trouble or she was about to fire someone. You opened the glass door that lead to her office. "Where in the fuck is Andrea?! She was supposed to be here an hour ago with my papers so that I could sign them to release a contract!" Ms.Grant asked, her voice filled with desperation and anger. "I, uh, Ms.Grant I forwarded an email to you 2 hours ago that Andrea had sent regarding her request to resign." You spoke. Your boss was practically mortified, not because someone quit, but because you had just said that in front of someone that Ms.Grant was having a meeting with. Your eyes widened, you bit your bottom lip, holding it between your teeth, "Excuse me?! What did you just say?!" She gritted her teeth. You couldn't tell who was sitting in front of Ms.Grant's desk, but once they turned to face you, you could practically see that they felt horrible for you. "Um, I, I'm sorry. I'll have her get them straight away." You nervously said, trying to pull yourself together. "Good. Now get lost. And while your at it, fix your skirt, it's wrinkled and disgusting. Your hair looks disgusting as well." She insulted. You nodded your head looking down at the ground, "Yes Ms.Grant." You obeyed, walking out of her office.

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