𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎:

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Your focus was scattered, so filled with nervous anticipation. Yet you were so excited, even giddy.

You felt as if you couldn't hold a conversation or sit still. You nervously scanned the menu, trying to decide what you'd like, although your nerves had found a way to ruin your appetite. The woman in front of you placed her menu down, sweetly glancing at you. "Did you find what you'd like, love?" She asked. The nickname gave butterflies, you blushed, "Uh, yeah I think so." The blonde laughed at you, "You don't have to be nervous darling. I don't bite." She said. You brought your glass of water to your lips. "Well, not yet." She added. You choked on your water, trying to force it down as she finished her sentence. Stefani could tell that her words had clearly affected you, she couldn't help but laugh at you again. You set the cup down, covering your face in embarrassment. Stefani reached over, removing your hands from your face, "You've got no reason to be embarrassed darling, I'm just teasing." She said. Your cheeks had quite literally turned a hot red, you were so attracted to her yet so nervous it was actually scary how much she affected you. Stefani placed her index finger underneath your chin, forcing your eyes to meet hers. She smiled at you. She placed a kiss on your cheek, somehow calming your anxiety. "Your adorable." She said. You thanked her before she switched the topic. "Now, what does your heart desire, darling?" She asked, referring to the menu in your hand. "Oh, uh, probably the Chicken Parmesan." You told her. "Good choice." She said, complimenting your taste. You gave her a warm smile. Something about her made you crazy, but you couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"Do you enjoy Italian food?" Asked Stefani. You nodded, "My fathers side of the family is very much Italian. My mother's side isn't, but it was heavily incorporated in my life. My father required all of his children to learn Italian at a young age so that it was easier to communicate with my aunts, uncles, and grandparents. They know English, but it's definitely not their first language." You explained. You could tell that everything you said heavily intrigued Stefani as she closely listened. She smiled at you, "That sounds amazing. So I take it you know Italian?" She said, almost assuming so. "Yes actually, I do." You nodded. Stefani, slightly smirked, "How intriguing." She said with complete honesty. You loved how heavily intrigued she was by everything you said. "You know, there's something about you that interests me. I'm not sure what, but your different. In a good way of course." Stefani said, assuring you that your 'difference' was nothing but pure goodness. You smiled at her compliment, "Thank you." You said. Stefani nodded, "No problem baby doll." She told you. Every nick name she came up with managed to make your stomach erupt with butterflies.

Stefani continued to ask you questions, trying to get an idea of who you were. "Did you ever deal with any mental health problems when you were younger?" She questioned as she saw how you described your childhood. "Oh, uh yes actually. I was diagnosed with social anxiety and depression when I was 13 years old." You admitted. The woman's eyes widened, "And your still this strong? That's incredible." She said, praising you. You laughed, "It's a struggle, but I'm okay." You shrugged. Before Stefani had a chance to respond, your food was brought to you. Stefani thanked the waitress as she set the plates of food down in front of you both.

As you both chatted, you ate the delicious food that was right in front of you. The way it would practically melt in your mouth satisfied you to an unneeded extent but it was quite pleasurable. Stefani occasionally glanced at you, smiling when she did. The way she looked at you was enough to make your heart stop.

"Does it scare you that I'm a public figure?" Stefani curiously asked. You looked up at her, shaking your head almost instantly, "Not really. I mean, I guess in a way I would be if we really made this official because I wouldn't want to ruin anything for you. But as far as publicity goes, I have no intentions of dating you for fame. If I love you, I love you and I'll do anything to be with you." You casually shrugged. Stefani's eyes lit up, she reached for your hand, "Hey, you wouldn't ruin anything for me, okay?" She asked, caressing the top of your hand. You gave her a nod with a pleasant smile. "Is it hard to date people while being famous?" You questioned. Stefani nodded, "You don't know if they really love you or they just want the money and publicity. And to be quite frankly honest, you may never know. You may marry someone that you love so much, but they might not. They just find a way to convince you till the day you die that they 'loved you." Stefani answered. You lightly squeezed her hand, "I can't imagine. I'm sure it's fairly tough for you and though I won't pretend to know how you feel, I can tell you that I'm not interested in dating you for fame. If I marry you, it will be out of pure intentions for love. And maybe 10 different men or women have made this promise to you so you might not hold it very close to your heart because your afraid to trust, but if this works, I will do anything and everything to make you feel loved." You said, trying to put her mind at ease. Stefani brought your hand to her lips, kissing it softly, "Thank you, and I really want this to work." She said. "Honestly, I do too." You smiled, taking ahold of her hand once again.

You were deeply intrigued by this woman. Wanting to hold her close to you forever.

As the two of you walked out of the restaurant, Stefani reached for your hand and without hesitation you allowed her to take it. Paparazzi swarmed the outside of the restaurant, making your anxiety over power you. You tried to tell calm yourself down. Doing breathing counts as Stefani guided you out of the messy crowd, managing to grip your hand tightly without hurting you.

As the two of you walked off, finally getting out of the tough crowd, Stefani turned to you, "Are you okay?" She asked, slightly nervous to see what you'd say. "Yeah I'm okay." You nodded. Stefani pulled you into a hug, resting your head on her shoulder, "I'm sorry if that triggered your anxiety, I hope that doesn't make you feel any different." You shook your head, "It's okay, I'll learn to get used to is." You told her, reassuring her that you weren't going anywhere. She smiled, "You really don't give up easily do you?" She laughed, quite surprised by your reaction. You smiled, "Nope. Like I somewhat stated earlier, If I see potential in someone, I'm not going to let them go." You said. "Fuck, you've really managed to take quite a toll on me." She chuckled. Your smiled widened, "I hope that's a good thing." You cautiously said. "It is, that's why I want to ask you this," She paused. You gave her a look of confusion, what was she going to ask? "Will you be my girlfriend? Will you give us a try?" She asked, a hopeful smile on her face. Your eyes practically lit up, "I would love too." You told her. Stefani looked you in the eyes, "Good, because your something special y/n." She finished. Stefani pulled you closer too her, holding your hips as her lips crashed onto yours.

You melted under her touch.

You had never felt that with anyone else.

She passionately kissed you, expressing every bit of love she was starting to have for you.

Stefani eventually pulled away, resting her head on yours. "This may be challenging, but I promise you that if you let me, I'll give you the world. I'll give you every bit of me and I'll fight for you. I promise." She sweetly said, making you in complete awe of her. You kissed her softly, letting you know that you trusted her.

Letting her know that you too would fight for her.

No matter what.

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