go west,young michelle

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Enids pov:

I was currently waiting with quite a lot of people who had not made into A troupe in studio A as Michelle had told us all to come meet her there which was strange why you Michelle want to see us.

"Hey everyone,I'm so glad that all of you guys are here,I have so amazing news to share with all of you.I'll be starting my own competitive troupe that will run out of studio a"Michelle said to us.Wait does that mean I will get a chance to not be in my brothers shadow?"what do you have to offer that is better than B troupe?"Amy asked as latroy agreed with her."well I am offering you guys a opunutity to compete.Emily just cut all of you guys,you guy are some of th best dancers that the next step has ever seen.Im giving you guys a spot at regionals"Michelle said making me relise that I want to be part of this new troupe."and I want you to take it,you guys have passion, creative,you have heart.you love to dance and so do I,we are all here for the same reason.Tns West,live as a team,die as a team but always a team.who wants to join my troupe"Michelle asked us as we all looked at unsure if we should or not.The first to get up was Ozzy to go stand by Michelle"I'm in" before I went to stand by them "why not" as Michelle repiled"awesome,but is there anyone else who wants to join?"

Michelle: I'm happy to have Ozzy and Enid on my team but I hope other people join.Im getting a little nevous

"Tns West?"Latroy says as Michelle says"yeah that's right" making Latroy gets up walking over saying"that rolls off the tongue I like it.thats dope I love it"causing Michelle to laugh a little before she thanked him.

Latroy:I believe that Michelle's Troupe is definitely gonna be more free, fun cause Emily.i don't think she knows the meaning of fun

Henry stood up saying"you know what we got nothing to lose,I'm in"tossing the tennis ball he had to Latroy as three of the other  girls came over to join.This is great I won't be the only girl."Amy?"Michelle asks as Amy stood up"so we can compete,right?"Amy asked as Michelle says"yes,you can complete".Amy smiled but not too happy about it,I wonder why before she walked to join us."all right let's bring it in,Tns West on 3"Michelle says as we all put our hands in as the other people who didn't want to join left"1....2...3" "TNS WEST!"we yelled throwing our arms in the air.

Michelle:as of right now, we're three dancers short of having a regionals team,we may not have all of our dancers yet but when we do.We will take Emily's team down

*15 minutes later*

I knew Noah was on a break from dance soon so I texted him.(Noah is N while Enid is E)

E:guess what!guess what!guess what!


E:you know I didn't make Emily's troupe

N:yeah,I'm sure you make it next year,she just didn't think j trouper have enough experience

E:you went from J to A but I don't need to be in her troupe now 

N:why not?you always wanted to be in a troupe since I made it in

E: Michelle got a troupe and I am in it.tns west

N:that's great for you En but we will against each other

E:I know it's cool

N:I'm happy for you but I have practice now so see you when are going home okay

E:ok good luck

*Some time later*

We was all in studio a listening to Michelle since she called a meeting with west as amy walked in a little later than us"I am so glad you're here now I can finally tell everyone the great news.West is gonna be our new head cheographer"Michelle told.

Enid: it's cool that west is gonna be the cheographer as Noah told me a lot of good things about him

"That's awesome"Henry says as we all clapped for west glad we had him as the cheographer although Amy still wasn't impressed.I wonder why she don't really seem to be glad to be with this team."yeah yeah I really excited, it's gonna fun with a lot of new faces.thats all good"west says before Michelle looked Amy"what's wrong,amy"as we all looked at her"oh,it's just ummm I'm worried about not having a full troupe,there's only seven dancers"I am sure we can get three right"yeah but the next step has lots of dancers and so many people to choice from"

Richelle:I come into studio A cause I have a very special message for Michelle

We all turned as we saw Richelle"hey Michelle"wait maybe Richelle chose to switch to our team,nah that's not like Richelle"after Michelle said a hey back Richelle started talking after"Emily sent me with a very special message.if you steal one more of our dancers, you'll regret it"as Michelle repiled confused"we haven't stole anything I don't know what you are talking about" looking at Richelle"well by the looks of of it,I do see a lot of ex-b troupers in your troupe"Richelle said.so what if we was b troupers,we wasn't stolen."that shouldn't matter,there nothing like Emily's property"Michelle said before Richelle says"any b troupers that joined you are blacked listed from a troupe, so if I was I would  find dancers from somewhere else"before giving a smirk and leaving.

*Later after a break spent talking with the others*

I walked into studio A with Amy to see Ozzy preforming the solo that he made up when we was in j troupe.it was pretty cool and it was a solo that only Ozzy could do well.We all clapped when he had finished"alright guys bring it in"west says as we all came over "just gonna workshop some moves"before he started doing movies for us to copy.While we doing it a guy I would say a year or two maybe older than be came in on a hoverboard dancing before working his way into the middle of us causing us all to stop.He carried on dancing which was quite cool since I can't even ride a hoverboard."who is that"Michelle asked west before Kingston came over when west says"this is Kingston."Kingston went and shook Michelles hand"pressure is all mine"this Kingston guy is so awesome I hope he can dance like actually off a hoverboard.

"So Kingston,what training have you had in the past"Michelle asked as Kingston repiled with "all the best,I have only trained at the best studios around"making Michelle ask him to name one"um miss Abigail's dance academy school of dance,miss Abigail's dance academy school of dance.that one"causing everyone to be confused

Kingston:they totally bought it but the truth is I have learn everything I know  from watching videos online

"Does miss Abigail's  let you hoverboard in her studio too?" As Kingston got off his hoverboard"um yeah sometimes causal Fridays usually"he said which didn't not should right at all"right well if we don't do that at the next step,um but something that you do is show us what you got" as Kingston agrees and we all move away so Kingston can perform

When Kingston pulled out Henry and one of the girls to dance causing all of us to join it.We was taking turns to do moves and copy each  other.After a while west and Michelle came over and join in with us all.I think Kingston is an amazing dancer and he is really fun and is prefect for this team.

*After a while of dancing with the others*

I was sat in the locker room waiting for Noah to finish practice so we can go home when Kingston walked into the locker room to grab his hoverboard that he was told to leave it in here"hey!"he said as he came in which I said hi back to him"you're Enid right?"he asked as I said"yeah I know your Kingston and your skills on your hoverboard and and dancing is awesome"."Thanks,do you hoverboard?"Kingston said as he grabbed his hoverboard"no I have never tried it "I repiled before"maybe I can show you how sometime,I got to go,see you tommorow" as I smiled nodding saying"bye".I went back to watching laurenzside on my phone before outing my phone in my dance bag as Noah came into the locker room with the other members of Tns east.i didn't say anything cause of what Richelle said to us early untile me and Noah arrived home.I really feel like I am at home with the west already even though it's not the same team as noah  but it's more fun.


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