12 hour party

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Enid's pov:

We was studio finishing the final things for our danceathron."we did that much"Kingston said finishing his part.As we did our parts Piper draged Heather in"tada!"Piper says as Heather says"looks awesome,what's it for?" Which Piper told her."oh cool for costumes and stuff?"Heather asks Piper says"for you".we all came over since we had finished our parts.Piper explains to her as Heather says"are you serious,Piper I told already I can't dance here just drop it"before leaving the studio,I hugged Piper feeling bad for her.

"There are many of dancers that are in the exact same position as her I'm sure another dancer would be happy to use the money"Michelle tells us as we all say how many we got Ozzy runs to get his done by Tns east."he didnt get a lot"Latroy says as we all agreed.We went back to planning.

After a hour we was in studio A warming up for it,all of Tns west and even b troupe and j troupe was here to take part."how's everyone feeling"west asks everyone as we all said awesome,"so all you guys are gonna be dancing for 12 hours straight as soon as you stop,you are out.piper you have the most so you need to dance the longest to make the most money"Michelle tells us all.We all clap for Piper,we was warming up when we hear Piper say"ow"in pain and see her on the floor as we all come over worried."what's going on?"Michelle asks as Piper says"I think I twisted my ankle but i be okay" but Michelle didn't let us dance.

After a while of Piper being gone to get her replacement she done back in with Heather"Heather decided to take my place"Piper said as we all clap.we all move to sides so Michelle and west can do a duet to set the mode.

"3...2..1!"Michelle yells as everyone starts to dance around.This is gonna be so much fun and it's for a good as many dancers need to money to pay for dance.

Three hours into it when Latroy does a move and gets stuck meaning that he was injuried so he had to stop Dancing.I danced around with the boys as the boys completed against each other.

Four hours into it and my brother walks in with a box of drinks for us and Michelle tells us to take a five minute break.I grab a drink and talk with Piper until the break was over and I went back dancing.

Another four hours later than Piper's brother,James and his band and some of the people  who was in a troupe before come running it.They started to dance with us all to make us dance more.Before showing us their tricks as we dance on the sides watching.

An hour later making it nine hours,I couldn't handle it and more and stopped dancing and went sat down talking with my brother who said I did well.Later  on Jacquie came in so I left and went to talk to other members of Tns west so she can talk to my brother.

We was done to the last ten minutes and only Heather and Henry was left as we all walked.Henry must of noticed naoh and Jacquie but Heather pulled him back in.I felt bad for him but I was glad for my brother.

After they was declared the winner,everyone not matter who they are or what team they was on,we was all dancing to James band.

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