I have a vision

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Enid's pov:

Today was the day of filming our qualifier video and we was all in our customes doing whatever we need so I was stretching."you know guys,lets go to our first position and start filming this"kingston says as we all agree when Daniel says"where Ozzy" but as it finished Ozzy ran in"guys guys just cancel everything... we're doomed"as we look confused until as he showed us a video of another teams qualifier video."this is some serious competition guys"Noah says as Daniel says"okay guys that's enough,were not filming this today" before Josh says"what do you what do than" making Daniel a bit more annoyed as he says"I don't know Josh"

All of a Troupe was in studio A talking into groups thinking of ideas since Daniel and west left it up to us to come up with the cheography.After everyone thinking of their ideas,Noah calls us all into studio A"alright guys I want to hear everybody's ideas"he says as Richelle says"Lola had a idea" as Lola says"so I thinking we could do a story about horses traveling to the western frontier" really a dance about horses."what she meant to say is maybe a hip hop dance with a bit of a western fusion it's an interesting combination of old and new*richelle says

Noah says "I don't think that the wild west feel will work with the video but I do like the idea of old and new,good job Richelle and Lola",Zara's says "we don't have one" angry ,I wonder why."what about a sports hip hop mashup"Piper says as Noah says"I don't think the whole sports theme will work with the our whole vibe but good idea".Ozzy says"I have an idea" as Noah stopped him saying he has heard it already"no I've improved  it since than,I think the music video should be about the story of studio the story of us".That's is actually really good,we all agree on Ozzy's idea

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