civil war

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Enid's pov:

I was sat in the locker room playing on my phone when I got a text from Piper saying studio one now so I put my bag down and headed there.When I got there i was told by Henry to sit down as we was protesting against Tns east because of Elliot.Tns east was trying to get us to move but we wasn moving while Emily and Michelle  was having an agruement.Kingston came in and sat down with us as Tns west tried to make us leave.Miss Kate must of walked in at some point as we all get up and Emily and Michelle kept tryi g to blame each other making us all aguing.

"Enough!I know exactly who should be going to regionala.Nobody! No one is going to regionals."miss Kate tells us as we all looked down."I'm rushed down to this studio to find this, Michelle I let you have your own troupe because I thought it would make each team better but clearly i was mistaken"miss Kate says before michelle says"I  have a huge reason-"before she was cut off.

"The next step is all about the love of dance, clearly something you all have forgotten,I think your time will best spent focusing on what made you dance in the first place.The studio is not going to regionals,the completive dance season is over"miss Kate says before leaving

I came into netural grounds seeing Lola and Ozzy and sat down before Heather sat down"this is the worst day ever"Ozzy says as Lola says"like why is this happening,we just lost our chance". Heather says"I can't believe miss Kate cancelled call of our competition" as I said"I just wanted to dance on that stage"."we carried on complaing before Kingston came in and we look over.

"Where are you going so happy?"Heather asks as Kingston repiled"well I'm going to practice"he says as a Lola says"practice what"."dance isn't that why we're all here.come on guys I know it's cancelled but that won't stop me from improving  as a dancer and seriously it shouldn't stopped you guys either.I came to the next step because I  want to become a better dancer and I'm not giving up on that."Kingston says"we should be out there right now rehearsing together well are you gonna sit there looking sad puppies" as we all say we are in and go with Kingston.

Me and Ozzy, Kingston and Lola was practicing and having fun while Piper was by the bag area before she watched us and ran off.We carried on having fun.

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