First Morning P1

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Disclaimer: Do not own video. Thought it would work for Adira and Cass's duel.


Cassandra blinked her eyes open. There was not much sun, thus she believed it was rather early. Then she remembered where she was. Jumping out of bed, she dressed herself. Instead of a dress, she put on a red shirt and striped pants. Then an overly large sweater on top. With boots, gloves, belts, and her weapons, she was ready for the day. Ready for a battle to free herself from this wretched arrangement.

There was a knock on her door. Confused, she opened it. She narrowed her eyes. "You!"

"Before you ruffle your feathers," Varian began, "I'm here to esscort you to breakfast. Also, on that note, maybe you shouldn't get offended every time you see me 'cause you're gonna be seeing me a lot."

Groaning, Cassandra rolled her head back. He offered his arm for her to link her own in, but she refused. As he had expected, but it hadn't hurt to try.

"Then after we eat, we'll take a trip to the training grounds like I promised past night. There you can train with Adira," Varian continued.

"Are you always this stiff?" Cassandra asked suddenly.

"No. Just when duty calls, m'lady."

"So I'm just your duty?"

"Am I any more to you?" Varian pointed out.

"That's not what I meant," Cassandra looked away, holding back her annoyance.

"As for your answer, you have yet to give me any reason to have you more than my duty, but I'm open to trying and being more than duty. I'm open to the fact that we can learn to more."

"It's way, too early for this talk, buster," Cassandra mumbled.

Varian sighed. "Very well. Have it your way."

Breakfast was as awkward as it could be. Even the maid serving them could feel the tension between them. She glanced back and forth from one to the other. It was obvious that the two were going to be an interesting couple. That is, if they didn't kill each other.

As Varian promised, he led Cassandra to the training grounds. "Aunt Adira!" He smiled, waving. For a moment, Cassandra could have sworn that he truly did look like a child, but it vanished as quickly as it came.

"Ah, Varian. What brings you to the training grounds? Are you here to spar and get beat again?"

Varian flushed. "Uh... no... er... I'm good actually. I prefer the bow and arrow anyways. No, it's Cassie here who thinks she can beat you."

"Is that a fact?" Adria smirked.

"I believe the correct term is Cassandra, but we'll find out the rest." She glared at Varian as she emphasized her name. He shrugged.

(This is where the music would start)

"Well, shall we begin?" Adira twirled her black sword.

Cassandra drew her own, taking her fighter's stance. Varian backed off to side, hands on hips. "Your move," Cass added.

"Your choice," Adira shrugged.

She ran forward, but Cassandra blocked Adira's sword with her own. They jumped back and Cassandra went for the next move. Adira stopped her sword with her boot, making the younger one caught off guard for a moment. That was when she got a boot in the stomach. She slid across the dirt arena circle, dust flying up from her feet.

Gritting her teeth, Cassandra took a better stance. She charged at the woman again, only to be stopped by her mysterious sword. Frustrated, Cassandra came at Adira with a series of swings. Each one being blocked by the general's boots.

Then Adira brought her foot down, pinning Cassandra's sword to the ground. The woman pointed her sword at Cassandra's neck, declaring Adira's victory.

"You fight good, short hair, but more practice wouldn't hurt."

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