Blind but still seeing

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A/N In this story the male oc is a friend and associate of Roman Torchwick along with Neo, despite being blind he is aided by his semblance, which is energy detection, and yes I am aware that this is very similar to Fox Alastair who is also blind and can detect things around him with his telepathy, but I think this makes sense in the world of Remnant, if you are born blind your semblance manifests in a way to compensate

A cold day, nearing the end of fall. Remaining leaves tumbled across the ground, propelled by the gentle breeze. The grass swayed this way and that as I stared out over the horizon...well stared is the wrong word. I couldn't see the sun setting across the rolling fields in front of me. But I could feel the warmth. The life and energy emitted by nature. I took one final deep breath as I felt the rays of warm light leave my face, I assumed the sun was now dipping below the hills. So I took up my dark blue cane from its place, leaning against a tree next to me. To make sure I never lost its place, I'd injected it with a vain of dust. No combat capabilities but the energy signature always let me know where it was. I began to make my way back in the direction of vale.

Listening intently to the soft breeze around me, and the leaves crunching beneath my boots. The air chilling a little as early night began to roll in. I pulled my jacket closer around me. Being overly in tuned with touch and feeling had its downsides. I felt everything times 10, heat and cold. After some walking distance, taking in the chirps of birds and the serein vibe around me I began to clue in to the sound of car horns and the bustle of nature was replaced by the bustle of the city. I stopped where I knew the pavement to be. Having walked this way a hundred times. I stepped onto the concrete and jerk my cane downwards, creating a moderate 'clack' sound. I felt the familiar pulse from the floor beneath me. So subtle. A vibration only I was aware of. I turned right and took a casual stride down the busy streets, reaffirming the world around me with each vibration of my stick hitting the ground.

Not that I needed the sound, it just made it easier. All I needed was concentration. Every footsteps was a map of the area. Every cry and shout and even whispers nearby were perceivable to me. To the point where I knew the position of people round the next corner from 20 feet away. I kept walking until I heard rapid steps speeding my way from round said corner and two bodies almost collided with me. I knew the question that was about to come and it was always entertaining so I had no problem with letting them smack into me. I smirked ever so slightly at the corner of my mouth as a young male voice said.

"Watch where you're going, what are you blind......"

His voice trailed away as I could only assumed he had just done a double take and seen the glazed whiteness over my eyes. A female voice right next to him spoke up with a more gentle, apologetic tone.

"God's. We are so so sorry I- we-"

I held up my hand to interrupt her.

"Its fine. Happens more often then you might think...just be a little more perceptive of your surroundings next time" I said with a courteous smile

"Will do" the male voice came back as I felt them brush past me, clearly eager to get away from the awkward situation. To eager at least to have not noticed the lightness of his pockets. I flipped the wallet in my hand and smiled. "Roman you sly devil. You have taught me a thing or two" I pocketed the wallet and continued on my way.

Eventually finding myself at my location. I knew the ominous feeling of the looming structure and placed my hand on the cold metal, running my fingers over rust until I reached the handle. I slid it open enough to step inside before shutting it behind me. I struck my cane onto a small metal crate next to me and the sonorous clang rang out eerily over the entire warehouse interior.

Nobody here. Odd.

I placed my cane over my shoulder and slowly made my way through the maze of crates. It was beyond strange as Roman usually had people on watch. Local grunts just keeping an eye on whatever products we had in stock.....I thought for a moment before taking another swing at a large container.
Hollow on the inside. "No products?" I thought aloud.

I walked for another minute before coming to the open floor area which I knew Roman would usually operate the dust movement from. I got the feeling that maybe I wasn't on my own. Call it a sixth sense (or mathematically I guess it would only be fifth for me) but I could usually feel when I was being watched. I held the cane tight in my grip.

Then a single noise stood out. Barely audible from the rafters above me, but I heard a definite scrape against metal. Turning just in time to see the glowing outline of a person heading towards me. An aura.

I ducked out the way but still got caught with a disorienting strike to the back of the head as I heard my assailant land on their feet. But the landing was light as a feather. I looked up with a smile. 'Seeing' auras was the wrong phrase. But I could feel them. This highlighted a person standing about ten feet away from me. Obviously I could never discern features. But my attacker was short and slim. I heard a fluttering sound as they placed an arm over their shoulder. I couldn't sense what was in their hand but I knew from experience that the sound was a parasol opening. And I knew that there would be a cocky smirk on the figures face.

I cracked my stick back down on the stone floor in front of me. Placing both hands on it and nodding respectfully.


A/N I hope you like the taster chapter. If anybody out there hasn't entirely figured it out, your semblance allows you to sense outlines of people because of their aura. Its easier to see people the stronger their aura is. So you use echolocation to see everything else. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story :)

Senseless Sensations: Neo x blind male readerWhere stories live. Discover now