From dust till dawn

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Roman was right as usual. Dust shop was only about a fifteen minute walk away. I could feel eyes fixed on us as we walked blatantly out in the open, heard every whisper and hushed curse. I could feel peoples fear. And in a way I liked it. The power a mere presence could have over people. "Here we are" Roman gestured at the building in front of us. I gestured for him to go ahead and he went sauntering in, closely followed by me and the new thugs. He approached the counter and tapped the ash from his cigar. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?" I heard an electronic whirring and one of the thugs held his hand up to point something at the shop owner, a gun I assumed. The terror in the mans voice was clear. "Please, just take my lien and leave" Roman shushed him calmly, putting on an air of kindness "Calm down, we don't want your money" he turned to the new thugs "Grab the dust"

They set to work, grabbing crystals and filling tubes. I was still wondering how much dust our new employers needed, and what the hell they could be using it for. What could they possibly be planning. My thought track was abruptly cut off by a loud cry and something smashing. Roman gestured his head and one of our guys went to go look. "Something bad happen?" I questioned sarcastically. Roman sighed "This was meant to be easy" There was the sound of shattering glass as one of our guys apparently shot through a window. But what caught my senses was the person attacking him. Their aura was.......strong, very strong but not fully there. Almost like it was unfulfilled. I didn't have time to ponder it though, we all stepped outside and as I did I slammed my stick down to get a better look at our adversary. And I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows. I heard a metallic sound, like something activating, then the figure twirled their weapon and slammed it into the ground. 

"Is that.......a little girl?"

"Ok....get her"

Roman sent the guys forward and the proceeded to get their collective asses handed to them. This chick darted all over the damn street, propelled around like a bullet.....actually that was the literal truth. The seemingly massive SCYTHE! that she was wielding, appeared to have a gun function as most weapons do, and she was uses it to blaze all over the place and lay our guys out in a matter of seconds. When it was all done she stood up to me and Roman. 

He dropped his cigar and stamped it out "Well you guys were worth every cent, truly you were" I snickered at this as he continued. "Well red I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stay and chat, this is where we part ways" He lifted up his cane and their was a loud whistling, like a firework, followed by the sound of a small explosion. While the kid was distracted avoiding Roman's shot, me and him booked it towards the escape zone. Darting up a ladder as fast as possible to reach the roof of the building. When we got to the edge, Roman pulled out his scroll to contact Cinder about the need for a sooner pickup, then we heard another gunshot behind us, then a high pitched, child's voice call out to us. "Hey!"

I sighed "Well you can't say she's not persistent" Roman just groaned furiously "stall her, I'll make a call" I twirled my cane, "with pleasure" I walked towards my diminutive opponent. She was about as tall as Neo, maybe a little taller, but that's not surprising considering how small Neo is. I stood in front of her a few feet away and shrugged my shoulders. "Well?" I heard the blast from her weapon as she propelled herself towards me. I ducked the slash, rolling a few feet away and kipping up, back to my feet. I knew I was gonna enjoy this, this girl was no slouch I could already tell, but compared to sparing with Neo, it was gonna be good to school someone a little. She swung again and again, I only just avoided both strikes before jabbing her in the gut, causing her to stumble. I held up two fingers and gestured 'come get me'. She growled in frustration and launched upwards before swinging down. I sidestepped and kicked her in the head as she came down, sending her reeling back once again. "Don't take the loss to hard kid, you're good" My compliment seemed to only serve to piss her off.

Senseless Sensations: Neo x blind male readerWhere stories live. Discover now