Chapter 5

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That's me.


Because my APUSH teacher just said that after Thanksgiving break...

We'll be skipping DBQ thesis statements... and writing full on essays... in 45 minutes.... And on the APUSH exam (which is in May) we'll  have 35 mins to answer 1 DBQ, 3 SAQS, AND 1 LEQ. Document Based Question, Short Answer Question, and.... AND. A Long. ESSAY. Question.

Not only that, but one of my friends just ghosted me, which, ya know, kinda hurt my feeling. Like... bruvy. Why?

OH, AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF, I haven't done my Spanish or APUSH HW yet. Haha.

Don't ya just love life?

Thank you for attending my Ted Talk.

(Please enjoy. If you don't... that's okay because at this point. Life for me. Is pointless. Asdfghjk I sound depressed let's just move on)



Jacob P.O.V


Sitting back in my chair, I switched off my laptop. Running the main branch in my family's company at 23 wasn't a really a choice I liked. But when your entire family pressures you into it...

At least I had the rest of the day to myaelf.

I sighed, running my hand through my hair just as my office door opened.

Billy strode in, and plopped down in the chair across from me. " 'Sup?

I raised a brow. "Who invited you in?"

He smirked. "Myself."

I rolled my eyes. "I missed afternoon classes today, did you take notes?"

"Of course, who do you think I am? Anyways, you free tonight?" He asked, reaching forward to play with one of the pens on my desk.

"Depends. Free for what?"

His demeanor turned uncharacteristicly bashful. "You remember Carly, the girl I told you about?"

That made me chuckle. "You mean the one you babbled on and on about for days? The one that you texted me about? The one-"

"Yes!" He interrupted, looking annoyed while at the same time a faint blush betrayed him. "She invited me over for dinner... but I don't want to go alone."

"...And I should care because?"

This time, Billy rolled his eyes. "Because I want you to come with me."

I immediately said, "No."

"Please? Just this one time?" He begged. "It's going to be so awkward with just me and her. Her friend, Alestar, will be there too, since we're having the dinner at his house..."

"You're having a date at her friend's house?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah... well, it's not really a date. It's a dinner. And apparently they're super close."

I scoffed. "Oh really? And he knows about Carly?"

Billy shrugged. "Maybe. How should I know? I just met the guy today. We're off topic! Will you go with me?"

I sighed. "Sure."

So much for relaxing after work.


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