Chapter 6

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Still Jacob's view, because I want to finish it up to where we're at. School is some... butt. We got a DOG! He's the sweetest lab mix. He's five, so already trained. We had to work to get him used to the stairs. He was scared of them for some reason. 

I think he was abused, because he flinches when you touch him on the back, and he never wants to be outside alone. It was like they locked him out there or something. Other than that he's the cutest baby!

Okay, to the story!

And please, enjoy. 

- Foxx


Jacob P.O.V


I ran through the pouring rain. My car was parked a bit away from my condo, which was just... peachy. The one time I really needed it I had to park it five blocks away. Just because I was too lazy to find a space closer. 

Carly had called, telling em frantically that Alex's neighbor called, saying there was a loud noise. Carly wasn't there, so she thought I might've been. 

And that was why I was frantically calling Alex, hoping he would pick up. 

The line clicked. ""Hellurr...?" It was Alex, but he sounded either half-asleep, or drunk.

"Alex?" I called.

It took a second, but he responded with, "Yeezzz?"

"Alex, I need you to wake up all the way for me. Can you do that?" I said as gently as I could, so I didn't alarm him. Through experience, I knew the moment right after waking up was a moment he was vulnerable to slip. If he was feeling even the slightest bit little, freaking out would send him spiraling down into a pit of helplessness. So, I tried my best to keep him calm while so being urgent. 

There was a bit a rustling before I heard, "I'm up," accompanied by a yawn. 

"Look around you, where are you?" I asked, hoping to wake him up a bit more. 

"In my bed?" Alex answered, sounding puzzled and skeptical. 

"Now, don't freak out," I said slowly, "but look again. Is there anyone else in the room with you?" 

 "N-no? Why?" Fear was beginning to seep into his voice, and I rushed to explain things. 

"Carly got a call from one of your neighbors, asking if she had come over because they heard your door slamming shut a few minutes ago. Carly tried to call you, but you didn't answer."

His voice came through even smaller this time. "A-and they were sure it was my door?"

"I don't know, Carly didn't say. Would you be alright looking out in your living room and kitchen?" I asked hesitantly, finally stopping in front of my car, way out of breath. 

"No... I don't think I can."

"I'll be there in like 5 minutes. Carly gave me your spare key, so just wait for me to open your door," I said, opening my car door. A hum was my only response, before I hung up and started my car. I completely soaked my seat, but the wasn't important. What mattered most was getting to Alex as fast as I could. 


I had gotten to Alex's apartment. I used my phone flashlight to check every corner. The living room, kitchen, bathroom, laundry room...

And there was nothing. Of course, I was relieved, but also worried. It was bad enough having someone break-in, but breaking in without taking anything around was much scarier. Setting my phone on the kitchen table, I moved over to the bedroom.

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