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It was a beautiful morning with the smell of the flowers, and the sound of birds chipping, everyone was sleeping peacefully. Namjoon woke up early because a dream made him wake up. So he decided to take a walk in their dorm. He was walking like a ghost, walking in the morning. He didn't know what to do so he planned to take a shower and watch Blacpink's performance on television which he had downloaded.

After he took his shower, he planned to wear his favourite pink shirt which was bought from Taehyung for his birthday. So he went to his closet to take it. But to his surprise, the shirt wasn't there. He looked all over his room but he couldn't find it. Then he realised that he had given it to Jungkook to use it. He went to Jungkook's room with tip toes so that no one would wake up by the sound of people walking. He opened Jungkook's room door instead of knocking it so that no one would wake up by the sound of knocking at the door. He went inside and noticed that the shirt was on top of the bed but Jungkook wasn't there.

Namjoon thought he was in the toilet. So he went in front of the toilet's door and called "Jungkook?? Are you in there? May I take my shirt back?" he knocked on the door but Jungkook didn't respond.

Since that Jungkook didn't respond, he opened the toilet door because sometimes Jungkook will sleep inside the toilet while pooping. So he was a bit worried and went inside. To his surprise, Jungkook wasn't there. Namjoon doesn't have any idea where could Jungkook be. He looked all around the dorm but he couldn't find Jungkook. Namjoon was a bit worried about Jungkook because he is not a person who goes out without telling to anyone. He was looking for Jungkook in the hall.

Taehyung couldn't sleep because of a strange sense. He came out from his room to drink water in the kitchen. To go to the kitchen, they have to pass the hall. So, he saw Namjoon was searching for something.

"Namjoon, what are you doing? Wuahh, What are you searching for?"Taehyung asked while rubbing his eyes with a sleepy face.

"Huh... Oh, it's you Taehyung. I'm searching for our kookie."Namjoon said to Taehyung while looking all around including the toilets.

"Well...If you looking for a cookie, I already found it. But I'm sorry. I know that these cookies are yours but I was so hungry that time and I saw this cookie. So I ate it. I'm sorry."Taehyung said while pointing towards a jar half full of kookie.

"Really...Where is he?"

"He? Why you're not scolding me for eating you're cookies and how you're so sure the cookie is she or he? Taehyung said while thinking."Am I the only one who doesn't know how to identify the gender between cookies?"

"URGHHHH. Not this cookie you dumbass. I'm looking for our kookie, Jeon Jungkook!!!!"Namjoon shouted till the other BTS members were awake. "OUR JEON JUNGKOOK IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!"

"WHAT!!!!"Taehyung shouted. "My kookie is gone? Where did he go?"

"I don't know! If I know means, why would I ask you, idiot!!!"Namjoon shouted at Taehyung.

Other BTS members woke up after Namjoon and Taehyung shouted. They came out of their room and went to the hall because Namjoon and Taehyung were shouting there in their sleep.

"Why... why do you guys shout like you saw a ghost? I was sleeping so peacefully dreaming about my crush."Jimin said while rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, What is wrong with both of you? We can't sleep because of you guys."Jin and Jhope said at the same time. "Thanks to both of you, now we are awake and can't sleep. Do you know how hard to sleep when you wake up suddenly?"

"Guys, do you know where Jungkook is?" Namjoon asked. When Namjoon asked that, everyone's face was fresh and not looking like a half sleepy face.

" He's not in his room?" Yoongi asked with a shocked face.

"He is not in the toilet either?" Jimin asked.

"He is not in the room, in the toilet, in the balcony, and in one word, he is not in this dorm!!!! We don't know where he is."Taehyung said while looking at its members.

"WHAT!!!" Everyone shouted with a shocked face while staring at Taehyung when he said that Jungkook was missing. They were all shocked because Jungkook was not a person who would go out without telling anyone. At least he will tell Jin or Namjoon because Jin is the elder member among them and Namjoon is the group leader.

"Bangkok is not here, not at this dorm?"Jhope asked with a shocked face.

"Huh... That's what I said just know. Do you have an ear or not? Jungkook is missing and we don't have a single clue where he went. Usually, he will tell me or Jin if he wants to go out." Namjoon said.

"Well...Did you guys call him instead of searching for him?"Jimin asked while taking out his phone. Namjoon and Taehyung shook their head. "Urmmm... nope. "

Jimin called Jungkook but he didn't pick up. He called so many times but Jungkook didn't pick up. He even sent a message to Jungkook but Jungkook didn't reply.

"He's not picking up. I wonder why?" Jimin said to everyone while calling Jungkook so many times. Jungkook is not a person who will avoid his hyung call.

"Then, we have to go out to look for him. What do you say, guys?"Jin said while looking at everyone.

"Yes, we agree. "everyone said together.

"Then we should take a shower before we go out, especially Taehyung," Yoongi said while looking at Taehyung.

"YES," everyone said together.



Namjoon waited for another member to take a shower. 'I wonder where Jungkook will be right now and what is he doing now?" he asked himself while scratching his chin ." Did he take his breakfast?'They were very upset because of Jungkook.


While Taehyung took a shower, 'Where___ where is my Jungkookie? Where did he go? Why he didn't tell to anyone where he went... Why he didn't pick up his phone when Jimin called him. Why...Why...JUNGKOOK PLEASE COMEBACK!!!!' Taehyung cried.


While Jimin took a shower, 'I wonder where would Jungkook be right now?' Jimin talked to himself.


While Jin took a shower, 'Where is my baby Jungkook? No matter where he is, I hope he will be all right. JUNGKOOK!!! Please come home soon.' Jin talked to himself.


While Hoseok took a shower where would Jungkook will go when he felt bored? Where???' Hoseok was thinking while taking his shower.


While Yungi took a shower, 'Where he will go to enjoy himself? Where???' the same thought as Yungi.

Everyone worries about Jungkook because he is the baby of this dorm and among them, Jungkook is still a kid. Everyone is so upset. Some of them even cried that Jungkook had disappeared.

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