Eighteen: Training

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Pen went hyperactive the next few days.

Seriously. I have no idea how he was able to use that much magic without passing out, considering my newfound magic range is bigger than his yet I get exhausted easier. At any time, you could enter the Art Dome and see Pen working on the new protection seals for the AUs, or if he wasn't there, he would be on rounds, monitoring the AUs.

A while (Maybe a day?) after we figured out Three was a Destroyer, Patch approached me and said he wanted a first hand experience of what my magic was like. Even though I knew where this was going, I asked what he meant, and he challenged me to a training battle.

"Here are the rules," Patch said, after teleporting us to the Antivoid. It was really white, went on forever, and hurt my eyes. "No fatal attacks, you fight until one of us can't go on any further. Understood?"

"Yeah," I responded, still not sure if I could really control my magic or not.

"Great." With that, Patch summoned his two knives and leaped at me.

After starting, I had trouble using my magic again, so I dodged until I could figure out. It made me frustrated I could use my magic so easily earlier but not now. After a minute or so, Patch paused and taunted me for a bit.

"What, are you not going to fight back? Are you scared?" He grinned. it reminded me of the villagers' mocking back in my home, fueling my rage. Before I could stop myself, a massive arrow was beside me and I launched it right at Patch.

Fear. Everything slowed down as I felt fear from Patch. He was scared. Scared of my attack, of being hit. At that moment, I dug deeper into my powers and realized I could feel Patch's Soul, his aura, and something in me clicked. Then Patch teleported away from the arrow, landing a few feet behind me.

"Daaang, that was SICK!" He said, a big grin on his face, all evidence of him being scared gone. However his aura betrayed him, and I could tell his heart was pounding. "Do it again!"

"Gladly," I responded, and summoned a ton more. 

Patch looked at them, smile fading, and mouthed something I bet he learned from Pen.

I released the arrows as Patch held one of his knives in front of him, eyes turning from the normal brown color to more of a red. I sensed burning determination in him and the knife turned into a shield, which he used to block the arrows. Patch then swiped the shield to the side, turning it into a sword. I reached deep into my Soul and focused on his aura.

"Nice try, Night, but I'm determined to win!" Patch teleported right behind me and brought his knives down. I dodged, summoning another arrow, knowing it was only a matter of time before he would Codewrite himself to have immunity. I needed to do something to distract him.

I needed to confuse him.


I felt something solidify in my right hand. I look at it, summoning a barrier to block Patch's attack, and see it's a light yellow ball the size of a marble. I'm not sure how it will help, but after teleporting away from Patch trying to stab me, I realize it has an aura. I can sense the ball seemed confused, if nonsentient objects can even feel emotions.

"Come on Night, you gonna fight or what?" Patch yells.

Alright, I think, realizing what I can do with the ball. Let's fight.

I summon a few more arrows to keep Patch busy, then hold out my other hand. A bow appears in it, the marble turns into an arrow. I nocked the arrow and aimed for Patch. He noticed me, and right as I was about to shoot, he disappeared.

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