Chapter 11

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A/N: I'm sorry for uploading this so late.

                                  Intermission, Start!

"Have you ever thought that you were worthless? One day your just laying down on your bed and then a sudden thought appears. You ask yourself, am I worthless? What do I even live for? What is the meaning of life? I wonder what's for breakfast tomorrow...?

"Now, let me tell you. You are not worthless. In fact, you are worth quite alot.

"Your heart is worth over one million dollars. Your kidneys are five hundred thousand, and your livers are two hundred  thousand. See, your worth alot. And that's only three things! Your composed of so much. One can only imagine your worth.

"You ask what you live for? I have a answer for that!

"You live to use others to your advantage. You live to see the despair on your partner as you murder their family. Isn't that a wonderful reason to live for?

"Oh? You want to know what is the meaning of life? I don't know.

"You can't tell me you know either. Life has no real meaning. It's just an endless cycle of despair and hope. You get born? Hope. Your mom dies giving birth to you? Despair. You grow up to be smart and clever? Hope. Your life crashes down? Despair. Your father dies? More despair. You get a job? Hope. You grow old? Despair. You die. Despair.

"What is the true meaning of life? Is there even one? Life's just despair. How wonderful. Despair.

"Oh well! I should know. After all, I am Monokuma! I know it all!

"Now enjoy the Class Trial you... you... humans..?"

                                      Intermission, End!

"The globe."

"The globe?" Shuichi repeated, clearly confused as to what Kokichi meant.

"Yes Shuichi, the globe. In the library? What other globe is there?" Kokichi sighed, clear annoyance in his voice. He was disappointed that he was the only one who bothered to investigate it.

"What about the globe?" Miu asked harshly. "What about the fucking globe?!"

Kokichi rolled his eyes in her direction. "Geez Miu. Your so dumb. Your just a filthy piece of trash that pretends to be better than they actually are. Go suck a dick."

"T-trash?" Miu squeaked out. However, she made no comment about the "suck a dick" part. Seriously, something was wrong with this girl.

"The globe... the globe... the globe...? The globe!" Shuichi had been mumbling to himself for a while, so when he suddenly called out, it had suprised everyone.

"Oh? What's this? Has Mr. Detective figured something out?" Kokichi asked him teasingly.

Shuichi nodded. "Kokichi... by any chance, is the globe actually a hidden compartment?"

"Shuichi, please do explain what you mean." Kirumi spoke the question in everybody's mind. Kokichi was genially surprised that they hadn't have found the globe strange. He had thought that at least one person would've questioned it.

'Well, one did.' Kokichi's eyes landed on Shuichi unconsciously.

"Ah, of course." Shuichi replied. "At first, it was just a nagging suspicion. The library seemed so old with the fragile papers and dust everywhere. But then there was the globe. It wasn't dusty, nor did it fit with the library's old look. In fact, it seemed quite high tech. It stuck out like a nail. I didn't pay it too much attention though. I just imagined that the people who brought us here installed it for the killing game, but that was just a theory. What Kokichi said confirms it. Kokichi, by any chance, did you open it?"

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