Chapter 48

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Jeremy's POV

Spoiler alert. Michael didn't let me murder or fuck him. Personally I was offended.
But you know. What can you do.
As he said, he did end up staying up for literally 4 more hours. I don't know how he does it. I'd passed out by 1am. And here he is waltzing up to bed at past 4am. Weirdo.
Anyways. I'm first up as usual, Michael's moms are both at work so it's my job to feed pac. He's definitely still liking me. After the crushing him with a chair incident, I'm surprised.
He meows as I step over him on the bottom step

"Bud you really gotta find a new place to sleep. You have a bed"

He stretches out and almost falls off the step

"Your own fault there"

He follows me into the kitchen where a note has been left for Michael. I'm usually pretty good with not opening stuff not for me. But Michael has been in such a weird mood recently that I want to check if he's okay.
I open the note

Hope you're doing alright today and you didn't get to sleep too late

Is 4am classified as late or early?

I know today is gonna be tough for you. It's gonna be hard for us too

I check the date, nothing springs to my mind

We are going to go and visit him after work but it's completely up to you if you want to go alone. Just give me a heads up as to what time you would be going so we don't bump into you if you want to be alone.

I'm confused as fuck. Who is he visiting?
He doesn't have any grandparents, his dad? It can't be his dad.
I feel like the worst boyfriend not knowing.

Your hoodie is in my wardrobe. Pac found out how to get into yours and kept dragging it off the hanger.

That's true. Pac is getting too smart.

It's clean so you can wear it when you go. He will be happy to see you wearing it.

I still don't understand. I run my hands through my hair. It's getting too long. I need to get it cut.

Message me if you need me. I know today is going to be hard.
Love from mom

I fold the note back over and try to think who his mom could be mentioning.
Pac starts meowing at me so I sigh and give him his breakfast.

"You eat while I try to work this out buddy"

I walk over to the calendar and softly gasp
Written next to today

Evan's anniversary

Michael's brother
How the fuck could I forgot. It's been 10 years today.
I feel like the worst person in the world. Michael is going to be living through one of the hardest days ever and here I am forgetting it.
Speaking of Michael. I hear footsteps on the stairs.
Here it goes.


He already looks destroyed

"You want breakfast?"

He looks up at me

"When have I ever eaten breakfast"
"Good point. There's a note there for you"
"Oh. Okay"

He crouches down next to Pac and strokes him

"Morning buddy. Jeremy fed you this morning, how does that feel?"
"Hey what's that meant to mean"

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