Chpt 18. Omoikane Training

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Season 2 Episode 8

Most likely this is going to be short.

The video has nothing to do with this.

Shinoshi POV

Nakamura sensei and Butler finished showing me how to use my phone. Right now I am outside at the training grounds with Himari and Omoikane.

Omoikane is going to train me, First time

Omoikane:The most important thing to do to make tricks on your tail is balance


Himari:Yep. Balancing is the most important part of doing tricks on your tail.

Omoikane:That's the most thing that we are going to do today

Shinoshi:ok. I am ready

Omoikane:First put your tail on the floor

I put my tail on the floor

Shinoshi:got it

Omoikane:sit on it gently

I sat on it gently

Omoikane:make your legs criss-crossed apple sauce spaghetti in your lap (A/N:anybody remember that in Kindergarten or Pre-school? Is it just me? Ok i will stop)

I made my legs go criss-crossed apple sauce and spaghetti in my lap.

Omoikane:lift your tail up but balance your body and focus on your breathing

Shinoshi:That sounds like meditating

Omoikane:It is but different. Now focus

I lift my tail. My body started to weave a little bit but i kept my focus

Himari:Try to control your anxiety

Oh yeah that's right.

Control your breathing Shinoshi control it

Omoikane:keep on going your all most there

Then i got all they way up.

Omoikane:You did it. Now make your tail go up and's see

I move my tail up and down kind of like push-ups but with your tail.

I keep on doing it. I keep my body balanced and my breathing a alright and also making sure my anxiety don't kick in too much


Omoikane:That's it for level one. Inorder to give you level two you have to keep on doing the same thing that i taught you until you show me you fully got it we can start the level two

Shinoshi:ok thank you Omoikane sensei. I will keep on practicing



A/N:Yep that was short. I believe this is my first time making a chapter this short or was 'The Beginning' the shortest? I probably have to check that again. Oh and another thing i just finish watching Venom. My favorite marvel movie, I will watch that movie everyday

Venom:everyday huh? How about you start writing 'Kazuka Mishima' book before I eat your head off

Author-chan:chill, I will go back to writing that.

Drew & Adrian:what about us?! You always write the other books but never us

Author-chan:After this and After i finish with 'Kazuka Mishima' I will go back to you guys book. Ok?

Drew & Adrian:You said you will but in reality you wouldn't

Author-chan:*muttering* man you guys are annoying


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