Great Minds Think Alike

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Hank's irritation disappeared when K finally appeared in the kitchen. She walked up and pulled a chair out to sit in front of him away from the table. She had her chin up, knees together, back straight and hands resting on her knees primly as she smiled at him.

"Sorry you had to wait," K said quietly as she composed herself further. She made a motion with her hands as though she were smoothing out her jeans. "I shall endeavor to cooperate, albeit reluctantly, to the best of my abilities." She ended with a playful smile and a twinkle in her eyes that made him smirk as he rubbed the bridge of his nose as he realized that she was teasing him. That at least, was a good sign.

With a shake of his head, he examined her quickly. She barely flinched when he said she'd need to go the lab if she took another hard hit like that again. After they discussed matters at hand, and she allowed him to finish his exam, he gave her the go ahead to resume training. She grinned and gave him a kiss on the cheek that made him blush purple.

"Thank you. For being so patient with me," K said with a grateful smile before she stood to get a cup of coffee. She returned shortly thereafter focused solely on the caffeine in front of her. The two of them sat in relative quiet as Henry started up a quiet conversation with her consisting entirely of small talk as he tried, in his own way, to get to know her a bit better. After all, one can only learn so much about a person from clinical tests. She was warm and engaging and he noted she didn't tease him one bit about his coloring or fur as most did when they started to feel comfortable with him. It made him relax around her – which just made their conversation that much more enjoyable.

When the conversation died down a bit, Henry felt no need to rush back to the lab, deciding instead to join her for coffee – even if he'd already had several cups waiting for her to show in the first place.

As K started to take a sip of a fresh cup, Kitty sat down across from her. And soon after, Jubilee took the seat next to her. She thought it was odd, but wasn't too concerned until Betsy joined them too. K glanced between the three women and simply raised an eyebrow in question.

Hank watched carefully and being the inquiring mind that he was, he had to wonder what was about to happen. It would have been irresponsible and unscholarly to leave at such a critical juncture in human relations, so he elected to stick around, though he hid his intentions by working on the crossword puzzle.

Kitty hadn't really seen K much outside of the first night she'd been conscious. She'd liked her well enough then but most of what she knew about the woman was from what Jubilee, Jean, and Storm had told her. It wasn't enough for her considering how Logan was so obviously hooked. She needed to see how K felt about her father figure.

"So, K," Kitty started as K lifted her gaze to hers, looking rather approachable at the moment. It wasn't until just then that Kitty realized that she had no idea what the woman's real name was. It made Kitty start to fiddle with her coffee mug. "We were curious. What are your intentions with Logan?"


K paused and her eyes widened, taken off guard by Kitty's question. If she'd had coffee in her mouth she'd have likely choked on it. K cleared her throat and looked into her mug trying to figure out how to answer. Clearly the young woman was just concerned for him. She knew Kitty was important to him too ... so she didn't want to lie or mislead.

"Well – I think you'd have to ask him," she replied slowly, though she didn't meet her eyes. Though it was a bit out of her normal repertoire, K blushed a little when she heard the words leaving her mouth. She never ever left decisions like that to a guy, and when she heard it, she felt incredibly uncomfortable as the trio now stared at her open mouthed. Henry's intrigued expression over his spectacles wasn't exactly easy to miss either.

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