The Best Things In Life

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Jubilee was sitting on the couch with Chloe and Zoe, munching on popcorn and in a totally bad mood. The girls didn't seem to notice though. She'd been angry since self defense class two days ago.

Usually it was her favorite class because her favorite teacher was running it. However, class went badly and even ended early after she hit Logan in the face with an unusually large plasmoid, causing him to turn away from the class while he bled on his boots and regrew a section of his face. He'd given her detention in the form of running with him at five AM for the next week as punishment for breaking the parameters of the exercise.

"Jubes, didn't you hear me?" Chloe asked, looking at her expectantly. Jubilee glowered at her and shook her head. "Aren't you excited about the camping trip?" Chloe asked with an enthusiastic grin.

"Ugh. No. Why would I be?" Jubes replied, still angry at everything. Logan had pushed her hard that morning all the way to the point that she was ready to paff him again just to make him leave her alone. The last thing she wanted to do was spend the weekend after her punishment lifted in the dirty, frozen woods with him and his freakin' likeable girlfriend as they lived off nuts and berries and squirrels for two days.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to ace this," Zoe said smugly, convinced that K had prepared them thoroughly in their months long trek through the northwoods.

Jubilee rolled her eyes. "You two have no idea what you're in for. Wolvie's running this show, there is no way it's going to be fun. He's still mad at me," She pouted as she thought to herself and I'm not going to get any time with him.

She'd gone to his room to try and apologize, just two hours ago and before she could knock, she could hear his voice, and he wasn't happy. Craptastic. That meant he was in there with her, and from the tone she heard, they were having an argument. Perfect. Foul mood predicted for the week with a high chance of a rotten weekend while he took it out on the teenagers in the woods.

Unless ... unless they broke up and he opted to disappear for a month or six. She groaned at the thought. Yeah. Like that was any better.

When Jean came into the game room twenty minutes later and posted up a single sheet of paper on the cork board, the girls shared a confused look. It wasn't time for any big tests to be posted. They got up and read it before Jean had even cleared the room.

It was their supply list for the survival trip. Jubilee frowned as the sisters took note. Since when had Logan ever allowed supplies on a survival trip? She skimmed over the list and went straight to the bottom – Scott was running this trip. She was stunned. Wolvie never missed a chance to run the winter survival weekend. It was his element. He loved it. With a frown, Jubilee rushed after Jean and called for her to stop.

"Something wrong, Jubilation?" Jean asked as she turned to look at her.

"Yeah, what gives? Why's Cyke running it this year? That's Wolvies' trip!" Jubilee protested her arms crossed tightly over her chest.

Jean smiled at her kindly and tried very hard not to tease her. "I thought you were mad at him," Jean said, frowning. The little Asian girl had just been projecting about how angry she was over the trip happening at all just minutes before. Now she was mad that Logan, who she was actively avoiding, and Jean knew for a fact that Jubilee hadn't planning on going at all.

"Well ... so what if I was," Jubes said as the steam went out of her sails. "Doesn't matter. This is his trip. He loves it. No one's going to learn anything singin' kumbaya with Scott."

Jean bit her lip to keep from laughing outright and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, blatantly ignoring the jab at her husband. "Logan has had other business spring up that will likely need his attention this week. I don't know that he'll be done in time to run the trip. Just hope that it goes well for him. I'm sure he'll talk to you about it sooner rather than later,"Jean told her in an attempt to try and reassure her. All it did was confuse her further.

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