Dallon Supremacy

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Quackity, Karl, Sapnap, George, Dream

big q



samsung refrigerator 



karl :)

guys, is she dead? 


no you dumbass

she was just on twitter




samsung refrigerator

george literally shut up 



sorry for being dead for a day

i'm alive again 

samsung refrigerator


omg i missed you 

big q

dallon are you okay? 


yeah i am now

i just have never went through that before so it was really scary

but i love you guys and thank you

karl :)

anytime dallon

we will fight for you

samsung refrigerator

dallon supremacy 


i agree 

dallon is pretty pog 

dallon :)


but i already knew that




can we talk?

like call

dallon :)

uh sure, give me a sec


I got underneath my covers and curled up waiting for him to call me. I got myself some dinner before hand as well, my mom made spaghetti so I was eating before he called. We exchanged numbers so we could call and so I had his phone number. 

My phone started to ring and it was him. I answered it. 

"Hello?" He called out. 

"Hey," I said back. 

"What are you up to?" He asked. 

"Eating dinner and talking to you,". 

"What are you eating?" He asked and I could hear him shuffle around. 

"Spaghetti, what are you up to?" 

"I also just got dinner and talking to you. Are you okay? I shouldn't have asked you to be in the video." 

"I'm fine now, Ivy and Arden cheered me up and it helped that you said something. I enjoyed being in the video, not the hate but I had such a fun time. I always like talking and hanging out with you."

"It's nice that you have them, and it wasn't fair for you at all to get that hate. I love talking to you too. It's different talking to you than George or Sapnap. I don't know how to describe it." 

"I get that. It's different for me too because I only really talked to Wilbur and barely Tommy or Tubbo." 

"Wilbur is really cool. How did you meet him?" 

"He raided me a while ago and we just started talking and stuff. I love Wilbur he has helped me so much."

"That's nice. Dallon?"


"This might be kind of a personal question and you don't have to answer but why haven't you done a face reveal? I want to do one when I feel ready enough and at a big event or something. But why haven't you?"

"Privacy reasons. I don't want people finding Arden or Ivy. Invading their privacy and mine too. I have planned on doing one soon but yeah thats about it. If I did it would be a spur of the moment thing."

"Mmm. What do you look like? If you don't mind me asking."

"I have long brownish black hair, brown eyes, I'm 5'6. I have some freckles on my face but they have faded out a lot since I was little."

Dream hummed to himself as a response. I knew what he looked like cause of the fanart of him so I had a good idea. We talked for the rest of the night until we both fell asleep on call. 




ok this is my new fav chapter.. next couple will probably be fillers so enjoy some fluff soon !!

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