Chapter 8

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"It was just a really weird dream." Robin shrugged her shoulders as she flew.

The five of them had been flying for a while now and were getting closer to the edge of the Sand Kingdom. They took off early that morning not soon after Robin had woken up from her strange dream. They hadn't run into any other dragons and Robin was thankful for that. She didn't want to be stopped from finding the lost continent.

"Sounds like it," Snowflake nodded in agreement. "Maybe you just had a strange dream because you were hungry?"

"I don't think so, I was fine during the night."

The group of dragonets hadn't had the chance to really get themselves something to eat since they left the palace, and they were all starting to feel the after effects of not eating. Their stomachs grumbling and growling demandingly at them, ordering them to eat. None of them were really great at hunting and there aren't that many edible plants in the Sand Kingdom, at least none with spines along their surfaces like cactuses.

"Maybe we should take a break to get something to eat." Python suggested from the back of the group, picking up the pace a bit to catch up to them. "I'm starving."

"I would get is something to eat but I haven't spotted anything in the sand, not even a lizard." Trotzen huffed in annoyance as they flew. She'd been scanning the golden sand below as they flew, search for anything that lived so she could dive down and snatch it, but there had been nothing.

"There's no villages nearby to buy food either." Cacti sighed with a flick of his barbed tail.

"We wouldn't be able to buy anything anyways lizard brain." Trotzen huffed as she looked over at her brother.

"But were royalty, wouldn't we be able to get something? We could always as mom or dad to pay it back."

"Then we'd have to go back home and start all over again you dumb lizard!"

"Alright! Enough!" Robin tried to stop the two bickering dragonets by flying between them, Snowflake doing the same as she tried to calm down her sister. Python just watched them from behind. He was never one for getting into arguments or confrontations, that just wasn't his thing.

"Since were all hangry,"

"Hungry." Trotzen corrected, which in turn Robin gave her a glare before she continued.

"Since were all hangry, let's find something to eat."

"That's what I've been doing while we've been flying." Trotzen grumbled.

"Well you haven't been doing it good enough then!" Robin tucked in her wings and dived downwards towards the golden sands below them, the others following closely behind her.

She listened to the soft thuds of her and her friends landing on the hot sand beneath their talons. Robin actually jumped slightly at how hot the sand was, hopping from one talon to the next until she started to get used to it. The SandWing's in the group just watched her with amusement while Snowflake watched in worry. Because of Snowflake's cold scales, she didn't feel the burning heat of the sand beneath their talons.

"Be careful!" Snowflake raced towards Robin and grabbed her front talons in her own.

"I'm fine!" Robin insisted, though, the coldness of Snowflake's scales soothed her sore talons. "We should start looking for something to eat."

"Maybe if we dig around, we could find some lizards?" Cacti suggested.

"Or we could sniff around for any fennec foxes?" Python's wings twitched.

"What about camels?" Trotzen cut in.

"Let's just go find what we can and then we can argue later about it!" Robin exclaimed with a huff as she took the lead with Cacti.

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