Chapter 13

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When Robin woke up again, she was still in the room with the hanging torch things. She didn't know what they were but they glowed brightly just like flaming torches, but without the flickering and crackling.

She lifted her head up, relived that it wasn't pounding as madly as before when she woke up. Her body still felt sore and stiff, probably from laying in the same position for so long.

Wait, she realized with a twitch of her ears. How long have I been asleep? And where am I? She looked around, hoping to see something familiar, but there was nothing.

One thing she did notice, was that some of the bowls she saw before were now gone or changed out for other bowls that were dark yet colourful at the same time.

Robin looked back down at herself, looking at the fur that was wrapped around her neck and felt soft against her scales. As she fiddled softly with it with her talons, her golden gaze landed on her right shoulder where her leather pouch was strapped onto her. She grew curious and opened it up and looked inside. Just as she thought, the map of Pyrrhia looked soggy but also dry at the same time.

Ew, she let out a snort as she pulled it out. It flopped like a dead fish within her talons and when she unrolled it, the writing and drawings were all smudged. There was a small sound that could be heard from her pouch, the sound sounded like tiny beads falling into one another.

I don't think I put any beads in there, she thought as she put her map own and reached inside. Her talons closed around a bunch of small round things and when she pulled them out, her eyes widened.

The seeds! I forgot about those! She thought as she looked at the small pale green-ish yellow seeds that sat within the palm of her talons. I never really got the chance to ask Grandma Orchid about them...

Robin was pulled from her thoughts as she heard the sound of talons against the wood like floor. Her ears perked up as she quickly shoved the seeds back into her pouch as well as the destroyed scroll. The hybrid dragonet ducked her head back down onto her talons, her shoulders hunching for her wings to pull the blanket draped over her shoulders up higher.

She listened to to talons that grew closer and soon the door stared to open. Robin, in a quick state of panic, closed her eyes tightly, as though she were pretending to be asleep. She heard the door open and multiple sets of talons walk in.

"She's still asleep?" Said a familiar female one, one she's heard before but she couldn't remember if she knew their name.

"Come on Cinnabar, she could be out for a few more days. She was fairly banged up when you found her on the shore by the Bloodworm hive." A voice spoke up, one she'd never heard before.

Robin mainly focused on listening to the world around her while keeping her breath steady and calm, relaxed as though she were still asleep. She fifteen would pretend to be asleep whenever her parents came in the check and see if she were asleep like she was supposed to when in reality she wanted to stay up later so she'd pretend to be asleep so they wouldn't check on her as much as possibly catch her.

"I know that," the one named Cinnabar sighed, Tobin could practically hear her rolling her eyes at the other dragon. "but still, it would be better if she woke up faster."

"You can't just make someone wake up faster." Commented a third voice.

"Technically you could," Cinnabar hummed. "Make em wake."

"You could, but that it something we are certainly not doing. Especially to a dragonet who's been hurt and has had who knows what happen to her!" The third voice exclaimed, as though scolding Cinnabar, though, she sounded to old to be a dragonet, she sounded to at least be a decade.

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