I fucking hate tests

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Previously: "I love you most. My wild child. Now get your ass to bed you have a big day tomorrow."             


No one's POV

"Check out the results from the exam."

"Wow! Even though (y/n) has 48 combat points, she still managed to get 60 rescue points. If you add them together it's a total of 108 points, which puts her in first place not to mention she got a perfect score on the written exam. That bumps up her total points to 208. I'm so proud of my baby."

"She took down those faux villains like an ace. When most of the other examinees were running from the big obstacle, she stayed focused on saving as many people as possible and destroying the targets. Your kid is tough!"

"Thank you! But, on the opposite end, the seventh-place student had zero villain points."

"He's not the first UA hopeful to take out that giant robot. It's been a while since I saw someone blow it away with one attack."

"But at what cost?! Did you see how badly he injured himself. If you ask me it's like his body isn't used to his quirk."

|End of flashback|


|Next day|



'Ugh! I hate mornings!'

"Well. Time to get up, I gotta go make breakfast. 1...2...3!" *Rolls out of bed*
<thud> "Ow!"

After my less than graceful tumble out of bed, I quickly recover and peel myself off the floor. Standing up I walk over to my dresser and grab my pill case then proceeded to take my meds.

'Oh! I forgot to mention that didn't I, well after I discovered my quirk I had an incident at school. I got into a fight with another kid in my class because the little bastard stole my pencil. So, I ended up literally breaking his arm and biting him in my blind rage.

I got expelled that same day. Mom took me to a doctor the next day. He ran some tests to see what was wrong with me. Turns out I'm not normal. The doctor found out that I have a fuckton of shit wrong with my brain.

He diagnosed me with OCD, ADHD, FAS, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and depression. Hooray! Note the sarcasm. I was only seven.'

When I finished taking them I grab my towel and head towards the bathroom to do the usual morning routine stuff. Ya' know taking a shower.

|Five minutes later|

'Now time to make breakfast.'

I made some coffee for me and mom. I choose to make a rice omelet. After I was done I called out to mom.

"Mom! Breakfast is ready!"

Taking out my phone to check the time I saw that it was already 6:34. I stuffed my phone, portable charger, key, and earbuds in my school bag. Hurriedly, I grabbed a piece of bread then ran to the door and rushed to put my shoes on. I shouted out a quick "Bye mom! Love you!"

Shutting the door behind me, I transform into a wolf and ran all the way to UA. 'Even though there's a low acceptance, 1 out of 300. We're separated into two classes. Normally, there are 20 students in each class. I'm the expectation! See, because my mom is the Pro hero Midnight and the math teacher at UA plus some of the faculty are my family. I would've gotten in either way. Hooray! Nepotism.😓 

Call of The Wild! [Todoroki x reader fanfic]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя