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Mujaki opens his eyes. He feels the gentle touch of grass on the back of his neck. Joyous laughter echo around him. He sits up. Gazing around he sees a row of houses resembling a suburban look. He finds himself in the backyard of one of them.

Children were there having fun and running, playing tag, and twirling streamers. He stares down at himself and gasps. Mujaki is smaller now, the age 6 or 7. The parents were also there. But when he looks closer, their faces were blurred. Like pixelated censorship.

Mujaki worries. He stands up, viciously looking around. No one seems to care. A kid bumps into him. That boy turns and speaks.

"What are you standing there for? Come play with us!"

The kid goes back and returns playing with the others. Mujaki stares at him. He seems familiar. The blonde hair, blue eyes, and whisker marks on his cheeks. The name is on the tip of his tongue but couldn't complete the thought.

"What is happening?" Mujaki mutters.

Sounds of wood cracks and crunch. Mujaki looks behind him. The wooden fence had disappeared revealing a grassy meadow on a grassy hillside. There is no end to it; the landscape appears to go on forever.

In the distance, he could perceive something. It's too far to see who, but he can tell it's a person. The parents call out, the sound is distorted and unintelligible. Judging by their body movement, they seem frightened. Doing as told, children run inside leaving Mujaki outside.

"Guess I'm moving forward."

Mujaki walks out the field heading towards the figure in the distance. However, the closer he gets the darker the cloud turns. In a short time, the winds begin to pick up and the drops of water are felt. Lighting strikes, forcing him to stop instantly.

He feels the roar of the fierce wind, the distinct chill of the water, and rising power in the distance. After the brilliant flash fades, Mujaki cautiously opens his eyes. He recognizes the figure afar, close enough to tell they were feminine. She is looking up. Mujaki looks up and his eyes widen.

Farther ahead, beyond the horizon is a storm, raging in the distance. Black and ominous, lighting scorching the ground below. His bones rattle inside him, the air escaping his lungs.

The female stands, unfazed.

Mujaki starts struggling. He feels something leaving him, tugging at his entire being. The sounds of everything near muffles, but the thunder still echoes to him. He can feel the depth of it. Inside the thunder's bellow, he hears a scream, a raging roar. It sounded like a warrior's war cry. He can tell it's female, in pain and enraged. As his vision melts away, one thought slips out of his mouth.

"...I feel like I know you..."

Mujaki wakes kicking and punching the air. He is drenched in sweat. His hands felt numb and his legs ache. He finds his teammates fast asleep.

"W-when did we fall asleep?" He questions himself.

Outside the camp Mujaki inadvertently sees Sarada, speaking respectfully to a huge white snake. Mujaki instantly realizes it's the same one he meets when he entered the ruins.

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