28 - Two Makes It A Plan ✔️

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It was dark outside by the time I got everything cleaned up. As Elliot bathed himself in the tub, playing with his bath toys, I stood against the bathroom sink looking myself in the mirror. My toothbrush digs into my gums, while my hand moves in a circular motion getting the plaque from my mouth. I stop for a second to spit, ignoring the blood that mixes with the white toothpaste foam.

My brush lingers on my gums for a while, before going back down to my teeth. When I'm done, I grab my tongue scraper and scrape the build-up from back there. Leaning forward, I rinse my mouth, and then my face, before turning to Elliot. "Drain the tub so I can take you a shower," I tell him, picking up his washcloth and kiddy soap.

He stands up and pulls the water stopper, while I turn on the water, and pull the shower head towards him. Taking his washcloth, I add his soap and begin to wash him. I scrub his little arms, then move down to his little chest and stomach. From there, I go for his legs and feet, making sure to get in between his toes. I repeat the same process for his backside, then eventually get his ears and face.

He rinses himself off when he's done, and steps out of the shower, so I can drape a towel around his small body. "Your hand keeps shaking, mommy." He points out as I carry him to his bed.

I look down at my trembling hands, my eyes twitching. "I know bud, I'm just tired." I let out. The sound of my doorbell ringing, causes me to flinch. "Get dressed, I'll go see who that is. Don't come out of the room unless I tell you to. Understand?"

He nods firmly, copying his father's mannerisms. "Yes."

I place a kiss on his forehead. "I'll come back in a minute to blow dry your hair," I tell him, before walking out of his room. Moving along the house, my steps are slow because the last thing I want to do right now is answer my front door. I want to crawl into my bed with Elliot by my side and fall asleep, forgetting the events that took place today.

My hand tightens around the lock, but before I do anything, I look to see who it is. I let out a breath of relief, seeing Elijah's face. Opening the door, I frown at him. "What are you doing here? I told you not to come, it's too dan—."

Elijah cuts me off by latching his lips onto mine. He pushes us into the house, but not before pushing the front door shut with his foot. His face stays lowered as though he's trying to hide from something. My hands grasp his shoulders when he pushes me against the wall. When he pulls away, it's only so he could plant small kisses on my neck. "We're being watched." He mutters, lowly. He moves back up to my face and plants more than one kiss down onto my lips. He taps my thigh, singling for me to wrap them around his waist and I do.

With his hand pressed firmly behind my back, his soft lips stay on mine as he lifts me swiftly. My heart pounds in my chest, blood rushing to my cheeks realizing this is the longest we'd ever probably kissed before. With a hand on my backside, he begins walking me up the stairs, our lips still entangled.

My body isn't trembling anymore. Something about him being here that makes me feel... safe.

I nibble on his lips and he gives me a look I have yet to discover what it means. He kisses me deeply as we near my bedroom, and once we're there, sets me down onto my feet and pulls me into the bathroom. His lips never leave mine, not even when he begins to kick off his boots and unbutton his pants.

When he's had enough, he takes off his shirt before getting in the tub with his boxers. He closes the shower curtain and turns on the water. My feet stay glued to the ground, watching in confusion as he throws his boxers out and it hits the floor. "You coming in, baby?" He questions, loudly. It sounds so scripted.

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