23 - One Step Closer ✔️

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"Brandy, wake up!" Elijah shouts in my ear, startling the hell out of me.

I jolt awake from my sleep, sitting up on the bed so quickly that I can feel blood rushing to my head. "What? What is it? Is the warehouse on fire? Is there an emergency? What's going on?"

"Michelle got us breakfast." He replies, looking down at me.

I look at him in disbelief. "Seriously, Elijah? You've got to be fucking kidding me. I was finally getting some rest. I'm so fucking tired!"

"Mommy said a bad word," Elliot says, shaking his head at me.

I sigh heavily. "I'm sorry Ej. Forgive me?"

He shrugs and walks in the direction of the breakfast.

I look back up at Elijah, scowling at him. "I'm tired, Elijah."

He crosses his hands together. "I get that, I do. But you've got work to do today. And you had time to rest yesterday when you had your, 'personal day' which you still won't tell me about." He pulls the sheet off of me and pulls my phone from his pocket. "Also, your phone has been pinging nonstop since this morning. You've got messages from Niah and someone named... Taz. Who's that? You never told me about a Taz"

My eyes widen and I quickly pull the phone out of his hands. "Geez, nosey much," I say, hopping off the bed and putting on my black silk robe and slippers.

"Brandy girl, come get this damn breakfast before it's gone," Savannah shouts, looking up from her phone.

"I'll eat after I brush my teeth," I shout back.

I start to walk away, but Elijah tugs at my arm. "Not so fast. Who's this Taz guy?"

I bite my lips, looking him in the eyes. "He's a friend... one that I'd like to tell you about when things calm down."

He places both hands on his hips and looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "So you're keeping things from me... again. After you promised you wouldn't." He sums up.

I knew he'd see it like this.

"Okay. In a way... yes." He opens his mouth to say something, but I stop him by grabbing onto his hands and looking him in the eyes. "When I've got it all figured out, then I'll tell you about him. But for now... can you please just trust me."

Elijah sighs, nodding his head. "Fine." He mutters. "I'll trust you on this. But this Taz guy better know to keep his hands to himself."

I can't help but smile at how protective he sounds. "He does and he's only a friend. That's it, nothing more."

"Is he the reason why you need someone to beat up a pastor?"


Elijah reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. He hands me it and my eyes read the word, Cort written in plain black ink, along with a phone number. "He's the one to do it, he owes me a favor so you don't owe him a thing. Call him on your burner, give him the info he needs. He's already expecting your call. Once the deed is done, don't contact him again."

My face scrunches up. "What kind of name is Cort?"

"It means Bold in German," Elijah explains. "It isn't his real name, he just calls himself that because he's... bold. Cort can be tricky... never owe him anything."

"Noted," I say, slipping the piece of paper in my robe pocket.

"Foods getting cold!" Savannah yells this time.

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