32 - Part Two

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Sleep didn't come to me for the rest of the night and as Yonnie snores in her dreams, I stare at the dark ceiling, covering my ears to block out the sound of the annoying dripping. By the time the sun raises, I was up and pacing around the room, contemplating my whole morning. I did a play-by-play of everything, thinking about all the obstacles that would be thrown my way.

"You seen where my other sock went?" Yonnie questions, with her head under the bed as she searches for the missing pair.

"In your shoes," I mumble while sitting on the table, counting the bullets I've got left. "We've got to leave soon. We're ditching the car, and walking over to the laundromat since it's a block away."

Yonnie finds her socks and begins to put them on. "Why do I always forget that I put them in here?" She asks and then turns to me. "Is the tub good for a quick shower?"

My body shutters. "Not at all. I'm not sure how this dump is still open."

"Can't wait to find the perfect bathroom. I'm gonna be in there forever just taking showers after showers." She stands up and walks over to the window, looking out the blinds. "Toothpaste?"

I nod. "Surprisingly, it's on the counter. It's cherry flavor or some shit like that." Glancing at my watch, I start to pack up. "Brush quick. We've gotta go." Stuffing the things needed in my bookbag, I put my knife and gun in their intended places and grab the iPhone I stole from this random lady when we were checking in. Downloading my banking app, I enter the username and password. "Fucking FBI!" I say sucking my teeth.

"What happened now?" Yonnie asks coming out of the bathroom, toothbrush still in her mouth.

"They seized all my accounts."

Her eyebrows raise. "Even Elliot's trust fund?"

I shake my head no. "His trust fund isn't in a bank... It's way too much money to trust the bank with." I throw the phone across the room and the screen cracks. "We've gotta go. I've got a feeling they'll be here soon."

Yonnie nods and goes back into the bathroom to rinse out her mouth. When she's done, she wraps her flannel shirt around her waist and picks up her backpack. "Got everything?" She questions, while I wait by the door.

"Yeah." Putting the cap back on my head, I lift my hoodie. Yonnie puts on her shades and I open the door slightly, looking outside for anything suspicious. "Coast is clear."

We make our way out of there.


"He should've been here by now." Yonnie whispers, while her eyes stay glued to the Pac-Man game monitor she was playing with. Her hands were wrapped around the control stick tightly as she moves them around. "What kind of idiot would show up to a meeting... this late?"

"One that plays by his rules," I tell her, looking around the crowded place. "Cort's an asshole, but when he sets his mind to something, he gets it done... or at least that's what Elijah told me." I fidget behind her, watching her play. The noises made it hard to concentrate. "You guys are gonna hate each other."

Yonnie glances at me. "We'll now I don't wanna meet him, because if he says something slick I'm gonna be quick to say something back." I grimace at the sound of children playing and she notices. "Hey, you sure you're okay? We can call him right now and meet somewhere else."

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