18 - Pay Day✔️

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You ever wake up and say that today is gonna be a good day, only to soon regret it, because life steps in and knocks the damn thought right out of your head.


Well, I have, several times.

Which is why I'm currently burning sage inside the warehouse. Trying so hard to get rid of the negative energy, and anything else that's gonna ruin this day for me... well for us. My mom used to always say, "If you want a good day, burn some sage." It was like her favorite motto and now that I think about it, she almost drove me insane all the time she said it.

"Mommy, it smells funny." Elliot whines, rubbing his eyes.

"You smell funny." I resorted back, playfully sticking my tongue at him. He awkwardly sticks his tongue back, before smiling at me, showing off his two missing front teeth. Another pair had just come out last night and me being the first time parent that I was, wasn't really sure about what to do... as usual. I was just as confused as the first time it happened. And since Elliot suffered from hemophobia, he was freaking out at the amount of blood coming from his mouth, which caused me to start freaking out as well.

If it wasn't for Elijah stepping in... again, we would've probably never stopped freaking out. Him being the cool dad that he was, calmed Elliot down and explained to him again what was happening. Later on, he told Elliot to put both teeth under his pillow, so that the tooth fairy could take them while he slept.

And then because of that, I had to spend an hour explaining to Elliot who the tooth fairy was, and how exactly it did everything. This resulted in lies, seeing as how I don't know who the tooth fairy is or how exactly it did anything.

I've heard about it when I was a kid but that's about it. If my tooth ever did come out as a child, my mom would make me suck on some ice and call it a day. There was no candy or money left under my pillow. Hell, she even made me flush down my tooth because of the number of germs they carry.

When Elliot woke up this morning, he found two pieces of "now or later" candy under his pillow. There were four in total, but I couldn't help myself...

"Now or later," are some good ass candy.

"You ready for daycare Elliot?" I ask, gently picking him up and placing him on my hip. I set the sage down on top of the table. "Jesus you're getting big buddy."

"Daddy says I'm a big boy now mommy, you can't carry me around anymore."

I playfully glared at him. "I carried you in my tummy for several months, I can do whatever I please when it comes down to you. Do you know how painful it was to get your big head out of my—"

"Hey!" Elijah shouts, disrupting me. "He doesn't need to know all that."

I frown. "What the heck you mean he doesn't need to know all that. He already does. He knows about the birds and the bees and every single thing that happened while giving birth to him. He's even seen his birth video."

Elliot nods. "It's true daddy, mommy's a screamer."

Elijah's eyes widen, which causes me to suck my teeth and roll my eyes at him. "He's talking about when I gave birth, idiot. Get your head out the gutter."

"He's too young to know about that type of stuff Brandy. You're gonna traumatize him." Elijah says walking forward. He places a kiss on Elliot's head and whispers good morning to him.

"Since when are kids too young to know valuable information? It's for his own good. If I didn't teach him about the birds and the bees then he wouldn't know the difference between good touch and bad touch." I say while sitting Elliot on the table to tie his shoes.

M͓̽y͓̽ c͓̽o͓̽n͓̽v͓̽i͓̽c͓̽t͓̽ [B͓̽W͓̽W͓̽M͓̽]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora